University of Warwick Chancellor’s PhD International Scholarship (Funded)

The University of Warwick welcomes applications to its ongoing doctoral Chancellor’s International Scholarship in the UK.

The University of Warwick values its increasingly developed reputation as an international university, and the Chancellor’s International Scholarships demonstrate the University’s commitment to fully supporting its most talented students, no matter their nationality. As a Doctoral College, they focus exclusively on postgraduate research students (including master’s students on a research degree).
Their aim is that:

  • Warwick research students consistently say that the University meets (if not exceeds) their expectations;
  • The Doctoral College is accessible and available when needed, and proactively intervening when appropriate;
  • Warwick should be able to recruit and retain the best PGR students in the world; and
  • the University recognizes the strategic importance of research students to both education and research.
Duration: 4 years

The scholarship includes:

  • Full payment of tuition fees (worth up to £24,010)
  • Research, Training and Supporting Grant (RTSG) of £5,000
  • maintenance stipend in line with UKRI rates.
  • Applicants for a Chancellor’s International Scholarship must also be applying for a PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2021.
  • Students currently enrolled on a PhD or MPhil/PhD at the University of Warwick may apply in their first year of registration only.
  • Applicants may be from any discipline at Warwick.
  • Scholarships cannot be deferred to the next academic year.
  • Applicants must either be assessed as ‘overseas’ or ‘EU’ for fees purposes, but there are no other nationality criteria.
Deadline: January 21, 2021

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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