United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship Awards 2023

The call for applications for the 2023 United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship is now open.

The Strategic Needs Fellowship aims to enable the most vulnerable States, particularly least developed countries, small island developing States, and landlocked developing countries, to better address strategically important and time-sensitive issues facing them in ocean affairs and the law of the sea. Government officials from these States with a limited background in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, who are filling key positions in their Administration, are provided with in-depth highly customized training on ocean affairs and the law of the sea, with a focus on those areas in which States have identified critical capacity barriers.

The Fellowship consists of a four-month training program at the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.


for the United Nations – 2023 Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship;

  • Fellows will receive a stipend each month during their Fellowship
  • Fellows will be provided with a return economy class air-ticket to travel from their home country to complete the Fellowship. 
  • For the period of the Fellowship, medical coverage is provided by Cigna Health Insurance.


To qualify for the United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship 2023, Nominated candidates must meet all the following criteria:

  • Must be between the ages of 25 and 40;
  • Must have successfully completed a first-level university degree;
  • Their proposed study programme must contribute directly to the State’s formulation and/or implementation of ocean affairs and law of the sea policies and programmes;
  • Must be Government officials from developing countries dealing directly with critical issues related to the sustainable development of oceans and seas including the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
  • Must be free of all non-Fellowship obligations during this entire period unless otherwise authorized by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs.
READ ALSO  The 2023 United -Nations Nippon Foundation Fellowship

Application Process

 The Application form consists of two documents:

  • The “Personal History and Proposed Research/Study Programme Form”, and
  • The “Nomination and Recommendation Form”. Both forms must be signed, the first one by the applicant, and the second one by the official nominating entity.

To apply for the United Nations Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship, click here.

Deadline: March 24, 2023.

For more information on United Nations – 2023 Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship, visit the official site.

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