TWAS Visiting Expert Programme for Developing Countries (Funded)

Applications are welcome from international experts in areas of science other than mathematics and physics for the TWAS Visiting Expert Programme to collaborate in the research and training of young scholars in developing and least developing countries.

This program provides institutions and research groups in developing countries, especially the Least Developed Countries and those with limited outside contacts, with opportunities to establish long-term links with world leaders in areas of science other than mathematics and physics and help develop capacity-building in their country.

The program supports visits of internationally renowned scientists to institutions located in developing countries, especially those located in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

The visiting expert will be expected to interact closely with faculty and students of the host institution with the aim of strengthening its existing activities and/or assisting in the establishment of new lines of research. The visiting expert could also deliver lectures and seminars to research students, supervise students, conduct research, and discuss future collaborative partnerships.


  • TWAS will provide the Visiting Expert with round-trip,
  • while the host institution will cover local expenses.


  • Internationally renowned experts in areas of science other than mathematics and physics to collaborate in research and training are eligible to apply.
  • He/she should be make out time to stay for two weeks at the host institution.

Application Process

Applicants must include the following documents in their application:

  • Brief CV of the Visiting Expert (maximum 10 pages) and list of publications
  • Letter from the Visiting Expert detailing the research and teaching programme with which he/she could assist at the host institute.
  • Supporting statement from the head of the host institution.
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To apply, click here.

Deadline: October 01, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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