The African Economic Research Consortium 2022 SFSE Visiting Lectureships

Call for Applications for Visiting Lectureships at The Shared Facility For Specialization And Electives (SFSE) 2022.

Each year from August to November, CMAAE accredited universities send their postgraduate students to the Shared Facility for Specialization and Electives (SFSE) which runs for 16 weeks. Beginning from 2020, the AERC implemented innovative virtual teaching of SFSE courses to students across its network of collaborating universities. The curriculum for each of the CMAAE SFSE courses has been updated and benchmarked against leading Agricultural Economics graduate programmes globally, while teaching materials have been jointly developed for online delivery by teams of reputable international resource persons.

The African Economic Research Consortium now invites applications from qualified and experienced scholars willing and able to teach the courses listed below virtually from August to November 2022:

  • Agricultural Policy Analysis
  • Agribusiness Management
  • Environmental Valuation and Policy
  • Agricultural and Rural Development
  • Agribusiness Marketing Management
  • Agricultural Finance and Risk Management
  • Agricultural Marketing and Price Analysis
  • Etc


The scope of Work include:

  • Prepare lesson plans for the course to be taught in line with the CMAAE curriculum and share this with the CMAAE Programme Manager prior to commencement of the shared facility.
  • Prepare a draft end-of semester examination and it’s marking guide/scheme for moderation by an external examiner by the fourth week of the SFSE, or as may otherwise be communicated.
  • Set a supplementary examination paper and its detailed marking guide/scheme and to mark the scripts for any candidate who sits for the supplementary examination.
  • Mark in good time the final end-of-semester examination scripts for the course taught, and compile and hand in the grades/marks for all candidates before the closure of the SFSE.
  • Compile all continuous assessment tests/assignments and associated student scores prior to the start of end-of-semester examinations, for eventual presentation to the external examiner.
  • Participate in the CMAAE seminar series by making presentations, attending, and commenting on students’ presentations aimed at assisting the students to develop research proposals for their thesis research after they complete the SFSE.
  • Prepare a comprehensive course evaluation report at the end of the teaching assignment in accordance with the stipulated guidelines.
  • Submit lecture notes and related teaching materials to the CMAAE Programme Manager by the end of the course.
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The AERC will finance internet connectivity costs and provide an attractive remuneration.

Job Requirements

Qualifications for visiting lectureships include the following:

  • PhD degree in Agricultural Economics or related field;
  • Demonstrated experience in graduate level teaching in the specific fields of Agricultural Economics one is applying for;
  • Demonstrated experience in supervision of thesis at the graduate level to successful completion;
  • Publishing in refereed/peer reviewed outlets (Journal Articles, Books and Book Chapters);
  • Demonstrated experience in teaching in a similar regional collaborative training programme;
  • Commitment of availability for the indicated period of teaching;
  • Experience in teaching or delivery using online learning management systems.
  • Also, qualified female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Process

The application should include:

  • A cover letter clearly indicating the course or courses they wish to teach, an indication that they will be able to teach between August and November 2022, and valid e-mail, postal and telephone contacts.
  • Current curriculum vitae (CV),
  • A copy of one of their recent publications, which they will present at the SFSE seminar series if they get selected.
  • A tentative outline of how they plan to teach the course.
  • Two written references, at least one of which MUST be from your immediate Head of Department.

Application Deadline: March 26, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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