Tenure Track Position: Assistant Professor, International Management

The Department of Global Economics & Management is looking for a tenure track assistant professor for International Management that fits the research profile of the department.

Regarding teaching, he/she will contribute to courses in the Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Master of Science (MSc) programs offered by the department, including the supervision of bachelor’s and master’s theses. Contribution to the highly selective two-year research master is also possible. They also expect that candidates are willing to take recent developments on board in their teachings such as Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Future Prosperity, and Sustainability. These themes are recognized as societally relevant “focus areas” in the School.

Duration: A full-time employment for 6 years.


  • A gross monthly salary and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • A free access to high-quality training programs on general skills, didactics and topics related to research and valorization.
  • Annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.

Job Requirements

The Assistant Professor, International Management requires

  • a PhD in (International) Management/Business
  • an expertise in the above-mentioned field proven by the ability (or the potential) to publish in the top-tier international academic peer-reviewed journals
  • a proven interest and ability in developing courses and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level and in mentoring students
  • an international network
    good interpersonal skills and ability to work individually and with a team
  • organizational qualities and excellent communication skills; and
    potential to generate external funding for research projects.

Application Process

The application should include:

  • A motivation letter
  • A curriculum vitae
  • One self-selected “best paper” and three letters of recommendation
  • Teaching evaluations (if available)
  • A short statement of his/her research accomplishments and future research goals.
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To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: October 31, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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