Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Accounting

The Accounting section at the Amsterdam Business School (ABS), University of Amsterdam, invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position with focus on Sustainability/ESG Accounting.

The job entails a six-year tenure-track position. Conditional on meeting the tenure-track criteria, the school will offer a tenured position as Associate Professor. Candidates should have a PhD or expect to complete a PhD in the near future and should demonstrate potential for outstanding achievements in research and teaching.

The Amsterdam Business School provides an inspiring and truly international research environment. Accounting, finance, data science, and sustainability are key pillars of the school. Business school researchers have access to excellent facilities, including all major financial databases, an experimental economics lab, and a behavioral lab. The school has strong connections with the accounting profession, the Big Four audit firms, and the local business community. The accounting section has a clear focus on doing high quality research and fosters diversity in terms of research topics and methods. It hosts an international seminar series and has strong ties with accounting groups from universities around the globe.


The successful applicants will;

  •  perform research and teaching in the area of accounting with a preferred focus on sustainability and ESG topics;
  • present and publish their research to an international scientific audience;
  • be active in the acquisition of research grants;
  • seek (knowledge) exchange and (research) cooperation with professionals in their research area;
  • contribute to the teaching programs;
  • make a positive contribution to the organization and cooperation within the University.


  • a gross monthly salary between €4.332 and €5.929 for full-time employment
  • 8% holiday allowance and year-end bonus (8.3%);
  • 29 days’ holiday with full employment & extra holidays between Christmas and the New Year;
  • excellent work (from home) facilities;
  • reimbursement of commuting expenses;
  • pension accrual with ABP;
  • in addition, the UvA offers excellent study and development opportunities and encourages employees to continue their professional development.
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Job Requirements

Applicants for the Assistant Professor Position in Accounting should;

  • have a research focus in any area of accounting (auditing, financial accounting or managerial accounting);
  • conduct high-quality research and have the potential for and/or record of excellence in research;
  • enjoy teaching and have demonstrated teaching ability, preferably holding a University Teaching Qualification or similar;
  • hold or are close to holding a PhD in accounting (or a closely related field);
  • demonstrated expertise in sustainability and ESG accounting (both in terms of research and teaching) will be given preference.

Application Process

Applications in one pdf should include:

  • a curriculum vitae;
  • a cover letter, including 3 names of references;
  • evidence of teaching quality (e.g., teaching philosophy and course evaluations);
  • Sample working paper(s)

To apply for the Assistant Professor Position in Accountingclick here.

Deadline: December 01, 2023.

For more information on Assistant Professor Position in Accounting, visit the official site.

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