Postdoctoral position

Post-Doctorate Positions

PostDoc Mineral Nutrition in Annual and Perennial crops

The Wageningen University & Research call for PostDoc to work in ongoing projects at the Plants related to perennial tree crops and annual food crops.

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Postdoctoral Position in Flexible Electronics and MEMS
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoctoral Position in Flexible Electronics and MEMS

Applications are welcome for a postdoctoral position in Flexible Electronics and MEMS with the main goal of developing flexible strain sensors and 3D-printed polymer MEMS flow sensors. The department is looking for a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral candidate with a background in flexible electronics and MEMS and a willingness to work in an interdisciplinary […]

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University of Bayreuth Postdoc Positions for Project Management
Post-Doctorate Positions

University of Bayreuth Postdoc Positions for Project Management

The University of Bayreuth a research-oriented university with international and interdisciplinary profiles is inviting applications for Postdoc Positions in Project Management. The CRC office and the integrated research training group TransMat offer a joint project management position. TransMat provides tailored and interdisciplinary training for CRC’s PhD students to improve their scientific excellence and soft skills. […]

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Postdoctoral position in Public Health Behaviour and Policy
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoctoral position in Public Health Behaviour and Policy

The Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS) Erasmus University has a Postdoctoral position in Public Health Behaviour and Policy. Erasmus MC, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam have joined forces in the Pandemic and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC). The PDPC aims to prepare society for future pandemics and disasters by carrying out research on […]

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Postdoctoral Position in Carbon-rich Organic Materials
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoctoral Position in Carbon-rich Organic Materials

Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) Is looking for a candidate to fill an open postdoctoral position in their group in the photochemical synthesis of carbon-rich organic materials within our ERC-funded project TOPOCLIP.  The Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) is one of eight institutes of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) Faculty of Science. HIMS performs internationally […]

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Postdoc on In-band Network-wide Telemetry in 6G Networks
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc on In-band Network-wide Telemetry in 6G Networks

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) invites applications for Postdoc positions on In-band Network-wide Telemetry in 6G Networks. Deep network programmability, that is the ability to program the network fabric both vertically (control and data plane) and horizontally (end to end), is expected to characterize the new generation of mobile networks (6G) toward supporting extreme performance requirements and […]

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Postdoctoral Researcher: Studying the Institutional Forms of Societal Trust in the Digital Society

Postdoctoral Researcher: Studying the Institutional Forms of Societal Trust in the Digital Society

The Faculty of Law, the Institute for Information Law (IViR), and the University Research Priority Area on Trust in the Digital Society is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to study the institutional safeguards of trustworthy centralized and decentralized techno-social infrastructures. The TRUST RPA is a five year long interdisciplinary research initiative to study how we […]

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Postdoc Position on Quantum Acoustics, Academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, University Lecturer jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc Position on Quantum Acoustics

The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science (EEMCS) has an opening for a Postdoc Position on Quantum Acoustics. This postdoc project is part of the national program on Quantum Acoustics (QUAKE). In this program, they plan to explore the new field of quantum acoustics, an analogue of quantum optics and circuit quantum electrodynamics, based […]

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academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, University Lecturer jobs, PhD jobs, College teaching Jobs, Faculty Jobs, Professor Jobs, Academic Jobs Europe, Postdoctoral Researcher on Gendered Mobilities
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoctoral Researcher on Gendered Mobilities

The Department of Human Geography, Planning, and International Development Studies of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project on gendered mobilities. The Department is a vibrant interdisciplinary community of scholars sharing a focus on studying the spatiality of societal processes. Its research tradition is […]

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Postdoc position on Epigenetic reprogramming at Wageningen University, Academic opportunities, Lecturer jobs, Academic jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, University Lecturer jobs, PhD jobs, College teaching Jobs, Faculty Jobs, Professor Jobs, Academic Jobs
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc position on Epigenetic Reprogramming at Wageningen University

Applications are welcome for the Postdoc position on Epigenetic Reprogramming at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Wageningen University & Research aims to design rules on how the expression of genes containing TE insertions can be modified by epigenetic editing. As a Postdoc of the Epi-Guide-Edit consortium, the applicant will develop epigenetic editing tools and understand […]

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