Academic positions

Academic opportunities, Academic Jobs, University Jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Academic Research, Academia, Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars

The Microbes Mucus and Milk research group at the Laboratory of Microbiology seeks to recruit a Postdoc in Infant Microbiome Microbial Networks. Human Milk is the main important nutrition of most infants. Apart from serving the nutritional needs of the infant, it feeds the microbes in the infant’s gut.  In this study, we aim to […]

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Academic opportunities, Academic Jobs, University Jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs, Postdoctoral Researcher in Soil Food Web Ecology, University of Amsterdam, Academic Research, Academia, Research position
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoctoral Researcher in Soil Food Web Ecology, University of Amsterdam

The Ecosystem and Landscape Department of the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam are looking for a postdoctoral researcher within the Horizon2020 EU-funded project SOIL GUARD, which is a large-scale, global project that investigates how soil biodiversity contributes to soil multifunctionality and human wellbeing. The position seeks to improve the understanding of the functioning […]

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Academic opportunities, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs, Postdoc in I-GNSS at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Academic Research,
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc in I-GNSS at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands

Applications are welcome from interested applicants for a Postdoc in I-GNSS at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. In the research project ‘I-GNSS positioning for assisted and automated driving, there is a vacancy for a Postdoc researcher for two years. The I-GNSS project started last year and is carried out by a research team, […]

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Academic opportunities, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs, Postdoc position in COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research, Department Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention and Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc position in COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research

The Department Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention and Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy is looking for a candidate with a PhD in epidemiology, a strong interest in clinical epidemiology combining clinical aspects with laboratory data, a solid methodological background to apply for the above-stated position. A better understanding of the COVID-19 disease course in non-hospitalized […]

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Academic opportunities, Postdoc position, climate dynamics and earth system modelling, Academic positions, Higher Ed Jobs, University Lecturer jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs, Postdoc position in climate dynamics and earth system modelling
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc position in Climate Dynamics and Earth System Modelling

The Department of Physics, Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), Utrecht University invites applications for the Postdoc position in climate dynamics and earth system modelling. The aim of this project is to quantify the physical links between specific tipping elements and assess the likelihood of initiating tipping cascades within this century. Our team […]

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Tenure track position at TU Delft in Aerospace Engineering, Faculty Positions, Academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed Jobs, University Lecturer jobs, PhD jobs, Faculty Jobs,
Research Positions

Tenure track position at TU Delft in Aerospace Engineering

Call for applications for a Tenure track position in Aerospace Engineering at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. The faculty of Aerospace Engineering is dedicated to helping tackle the demanding challenges the world is currently facing, climate change, without doubt, the most important one. They carry out state-of-the-art research in […]

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Postdoc in computational Electromagnetics for Soft X-ray Wafer Metrology, Faculty Positions, Academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed Jobs, University Lecturer jobs, Ph.D. jobs, Faculty Jobs,
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc in computational Electromagnetics for Soft X-ray Wafer Metrology

Applications are welcome for a Postdoc in computational Electromagnetics for Soft X-ray Wafer Metrology at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The position is embedded in the Electromagnetics (EM) group at TU/e. The EM group focuses on engineering the behavior of electromagnetic waves for a wide range of advanced applications, from designing antennas for applications ranging […]

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Post-Doc in Electricity Markets and Engineering Education Innovation, Faculty Positions, Academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed Jobs, University Lecturer jobs, Ph.D. jobs, Faculty Jobs,
Post-Doctorate Positions

Post-Doc in Electricity Markets and Engineering Education Innovation

The Departments of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) invites applications for the above postdoc position in Electricity Markets and Engineering Education Innovation. The successful candidates will be actively involved in the design and implementation of the engineering education research project “Electricity Markets Game: a competitive serious game for teaching electricity markets (EMGa2)” which […]

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Postdoc in UAV/Drones for Real-Time Data Processing in Agriculture, Faculty Positions, Academic opportunities, lecturer jobs, Academic Jobs, University jobs, Academic positions, Higher Ed Jobs, University Lecturer jobs, Ph.D. jobs, Faculty Jobs,
Post-Doctorate Positions

Postdoc in UAV/Drones for Real-Time Data Processing in Agriculture

The Wageningen University & Research institute calls for applications for a Postdoc in UAV/Drones for Real-Time Data Processing in Agriculture. The Postdoctoral Researcher will work within the context of the 2-years and contribute towards the development of an autonomous fleet of UAVs that will collaboratively look for diseases in the grapevines from a wide vineyard […]

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