Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Grants by the University of Alicante

The University of Alicante’s Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Grants Program is now accepting applications. Selected candidates will receive funding to support their studies.

The Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Programme is promoted by the University of Alicante Office of the Vice President for International Relations and Development Cooperation in association with the Valencian Government’s Ministry of Participation, Transparency, Cooperation, and Democratic Quality. The awards are to help female researchers in their pre- or post-doctoral stages who must finish their training by conducting brief research stays at the UA for the creation of their PhD thesis or research and who are citizens of one of the countries included in this call.


The amount of the grant will be distributed as follows, according to the duration of the stay:

  • 1-month stay: 2.000 € (if travelling from Spain)
  • 1-month stay: 2.500 € (if travelling from Africa)
  • 2-month stay: 3.500 €
  • 3-month stay: 4.500 €


Applicants for the Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Grants must come from Sub-Saharan African countries established in the following

  • Not receive another grant of similar nature to carry out a stay at the UA in the requested period.
  • Carry out the activity object of the grant within the period established in this call.
  • Not incur in any of the circumstances included in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of General Subsidies.
  • Not having a residence permit in Spain, except for studies

Application Process

Documentation to present, in independent documents and in pdf format:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Passport, NIE or identification document from your country of origin
  • Doctor’s, Master’s or Bachelor’s degree, as appropriate, accrediting the level of studies
  • Accreditation of the publications completed
  • Acceptance letter from the research group of the University of Alicante
  • Any document that proves the merits claimed in the form.
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To apply for the Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Grants, click here.

Deadline: February 28, 2023.

For more information Sub-Saharan Africa Women Researchers Grants, visit the official site.

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