STIAS Individual Research Fellowship for Global Scholars 2022

Application is currently ongoing for the 2022 Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) Individual Research Fellowship for Global Scholars.

The Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) invests in experts who work across disciplinary borders to tackle issues ranging from health equity to complexity theory, and the effects of race to quantum information.

STIAS provides and maintains an independent ‘creative space for the mind’ to advance the cause of science and scholarship across all disciplines. It is global in its reach and local in its African roots, and values original thinking and innovation in this context. No restriction on the country of origin, discipline, or academic affiliation when STIAS considers a fellowship invitation. It encourages the cross-pollination of ideas across cultures, academic or otherwise, and hence gives preference to projects that will tap into, and benefit from, a multi-disciplinary discourse while also contributing unique perspectives to such a discourse. This interaction is fostered by inviting individual fellows or project teams where each team member is evaluated individually.


Academic excellence and the creativity of individual research proposals are serves as a basis for the selection of STIAS fellows. The following criteria serve as a guideline:

  • Level: Does the project include high-level research?
  • Innovation: Is the initiative ground-breaking? Is it capable of generating new knowledge and providing fresh insights?
  • Interdisciplinarity: To what extent will the project draw on several disciplines, and what approach will it use to do so? Will the initiative allow for cross-disciplinary discussion?
  • Relevance: Is the initiative relevant to South Africa and Africa as a whole
  • Feasibility: How persuasive and practical is the proposed methodology and research design?
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Application Process

Along with a covering letter, applications should include a:

  • comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (or CVs in the case of a team project).
  • list of publications.
  • one or two recent articles typical of the applicant’s research work, or related to the proposed project.
  • project title and description (2-4 pages) of the planned work and expected outcomes.
  • brief summary/ introductory text (maximum 200 words) of the proposed project is accessible to readers from outside the candidate’s specific discipline.
  • brief indication of how the applicant became aware of the STIAS program.

All applications should be sent to:

To apply, click here.

Deadline: May 31, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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