Smart Africa Fifth Annual Conference on Child Behavioral Health (Virtual)

The International Centre for Child Health and Development (ICHAD) in collaboration with SMART Africa Centre invites abstracts for “poster presentations focused on adolescent and child behavioral health in resource-constrained contexts”.

The SMART Africa conference seems to create an opportunity for African and US citizens to air out their opinion on matters such as sustaining high-quality mental health care in resource-limited settings, scaling up evidence-based child mental health interventions, informing policies and programs in the partner countries, and lessons learned.

The conference will serve as a podium for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and expertized knowledge and strengthen the partnerships across sub- Saharan Africa on issues related to adolescents and child behavioral health. However, the conference will serve as a rock for SMART Africa’s efforts to build capacity and share novel evidence-based findings from the field.

Unlike the previous years, this year’s conference seems to have a little twist in it with panels, breakout sessions, and content moving online. Due to Pandemic, the conference will be held Virtually thereby increasing the number of its participants, improved discussions, and working sessions around the continuation of sustainable, evidence-based child behavioral health interventions in the region.

The SMART Africa fifth Annual Conference on Child Behavioral Health in SSA aims to fulfill the following course:

  • Accelerate scientific progress in the area of child and adolescent behavioral health through written scholarly products,
  • It provides a format to update community stakeholders about study results and hear from them about their experiences with the intervention, and
  • It fosters bi-directional exchange among researchers from the Global North and the Global South interested in child/adolescent behavioral health to inform sustainable and scalable programs and policies in low-resource settings.
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Venue: Online

Conference Date: April 21-22, 2021

Conference Theme: Child and Adolescent Mental Health in SSA.

Submission Process

The following patterns are to be observed in summation of the abstract by interested candidates:

  • The abstracts should be 350 words and above.
  • It should contain abstract Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s) and Contact Information
  • Background and Purpose of the abstract, the research question and objective, etc.
  • Result in summary form,
  • The Methodology, and
  • Conclusions.

All abstracts are to be forwarded by email to Laura Peer at

To register, click here.

Submission Deadline: March 12, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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