ScholCommLab Visiting Scholar Program 2018

The ScholCommLab is accepting applications to the visiting scholar program for a joint research project during a research stay at either of the lab’s two locations in Ottawa and Vancouver, Canada.

Visiting scholars will have the opportunity to work with both ScholCommLab directors and the ScholCommLab’s international and interdisciplinary network of bibliometric and scholarly communication researchers and experts. To facilitate the work, visitors will have access to a range of data (e.g., Web of Science, Altmetric, Twitter), tools, and methodologies (e.g., for data collection and analysis), and will be given visiting scholar or visiting graduate student status at either the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa or in the Publishing Program at Simon Fraser University.

Collaborations are welcome on any topic related to scholarly communication, but especially on areas related to current ScholCommLab projects such as:

  • Academic review, tenure, and promotion, and the reward system of science;
  • Altmetrics, including the quantitative and qualitative analysis of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and other social media engagement related to scholarly documents;
  • Metrics literacy, developing online material to educate researchers and research administrators about bibliometrics, usage metric, altmetrics, and technometrics;
  • Open access and open science, including the analysis of scholarly communication and the academic publishing landscape;
  • Science communication, including mapping the landscape of Canadian science communicators and writers;
  • Societal impact of science and social media, including mixed-method and theoretical approaches to public engagement with research online.

Collaborations between the visiting scholar and the ScholCommLab are expected to extend beyond the research stay in Canada and aim at publishing results in a co-authored journal article, conference publication, or dataset or at submitting a grant application to fund future collaborations. Duration of the research stay between one and six months is recommended but is flexible regarding the length of the program.

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The program is open to faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students (enrolled full-time at an accredited institution)


The ScholCommLab will provide funding for up to four full scholarships and additionally offers up to four self-funded research stays. Visiting scholars will be given a desk in a shared space including internet and online library access.

The funded scholarships include airfare to and from Canada (and between Ottawa and Vancouver, if applicable) and a stipend of $2,000 per month for those visiting Ottawa and of 2,500$ per month for those visiting Vancouver. Additional funding may be available to present results of the collaboration at agreed upon conferences.

Application Deadline: September 30, 2018

For more information on application and funding, visit the official link

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