Research Technician: Improve Diagnostics and Treatment of Blood Cancers

The Laboratory of Hematology within the Department of Laboratory Medicine Radboudumc invites Research Technicians to ‘Improve diagnostics and treatment of blood cancers by studying sugarcoating’

Blood cancers are characterized by increased growth of precursor cells that develop in the bone marrow. This increased growth can be caused by disturbed sugar structures (glycosylation) on the outer surface of blood cancer cells. Furthermore, these sugar structures can also impact sensitivity to chemotherapy. Although sugar structures have been extensively studied in other types of cancer, this has not been done yet for blood cancer. This will be the task, by which candidates contribute to a better understanding of the origin of blood cancer and improving treatment. For these activities, candidates will collaborate with other researchers at Radboudumc and Radboud University, as well as researchers from Sanquin in Amsterdam and international research groups.


For Research Technicians to Improve Diagnostics and Treatment of Blood Cancers, the tasks will be diverse, and likely include the following techniques:

  • Cell culture of blood cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
  • DNA plasmid cloning, bacterial transformation.
  • Transfections, transductions, CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of blood cells and iPSCs.
  • (q)RT-PCRs.
  • Flow cytometry.
  • Western blotting.
  • Sanger sequencing.
  • Mass spectrometry.
  • Possible mouse research.


  • A gross monthly salary between € 2.751 and €  3.896 (scale 7M) based on full-time employment. 
  • From 1 November 2023 the wages will increase by 4%.
  • An annual vacation allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • As a full-time employee (36 hours per week), they are entitled to approximately 168 vacation hours (over 23 days) per year.
  • Radboud university medical center pays 70% of the pension premium.
  • They get a discount on health insurance as well: they can take advantage of two group health insurance plans. UMC Zorgverzekering and CZ collectief.
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Job Requirements

The successful candidate for the Research Technician to Improve Diagnostics and Treatment of Blood Cancers will meet the following requirements:

  • Have a Bsc./College-level skills and cognition.
  • Have a college degree with extensive laboratory experience in biological and medical research, or equivalent.
  • Experience in laboratory techniques mentioned in the job description, and knowledge in hematology or glycosylation.
  • Are also skilled and interested in performing (translational) research. 
    A team player who can collaborate effectively with colleagues.
  • Have a clear and effective communication style in English and Dutch.

Application Process

All application should include the following documents:

  • a curriculum vitae, and
  • a motivational letter

To apply for the Research Technician: Improve Diagnostics and Treatment of Blood Cancersclick here.

Deadline: May 17, 2023.

For more information on the Research Technician: Improve Diagnostics and Treatment of Blood Cancers, visit the official site.

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