Research Positions: The Perception of Light and Color in Virtual Reality (Full-Time)

The Light and Lighting Laboratory of the KU Leuven invites applications for Ph.D. Research Positions for Highly Motivated Candidates on the Perception of Light and Color in Virtual Reality.

Understanding and predicting the perception and appearance of light and color in realistic scenes is one of the ultimate goals of color science. Advances in virtual reality provide the opportunity to use highly realistic stimuli in an unprecedentedly controlled way, making it a promising innovative, efficient, and economical research tool with potentially groundbreaking consequences for the study, understanding, and prediction of perception of realistic scenes. However, current knowledge and understanding of how (well) color perception in virtual reality corresponds to that in actual reality are limited.

This project aims to experimentally characterize and compare major, not yet fully understood, aspects of color perception (chromatic adaptation, simultaneous contrast, and spatial effects) in actual and virtual reality to deepen our understanding of these fundamental processes and to establish mathematical models to predict perception in real and virtual environments.


The work will involve among others:

  • continuous literature and technology review,
  • setting up experiment setups in real and virtual environments (3D renderings presented on head-mounted displays),
  • performing psychophysical experiments,
  • programming,
  • statistical analysis of results,
  • color appearance modeling,
  • presenting results and conclusions at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed journal publications.
Start Date: As soon as possible

KU Leuven offers a full-time paid Ph.D. position for 1 year, after a positive evaluation, the Ph.D. position will be extended for up to 4 years.

Job Requirements
  • KU Leuven seeks well-organized and detailed oriented candidates with the degree Master of Science, Master of Engineering, or Master of Engineering Technology,
  • Applicants with strong computer science and analytical skills, and with a strong interest in lighting, visual perception, optical measurements, and virtual reality can apply,
  • Ability to conduct scientific research, work autonomously and as part of a team,
  • Well-developed written and oral communication skills in English are also required,
  • Experience in one or more of the following is a plus: virtual reality, computer graphics, rendering, 3D modeling, and visual perception research.
  • The start of the Ph.D. is subject to the academic approval of the candidate.
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Application process
  • For detailed information on how to apply, click here.
Application Deadline: March 16, 2021

 For more information visit the official site.

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