Research Position on Sustainable Global Economic Law (PhD)

The Amsterdam Law School is inviting candidates for a PhD project in the area of sustainable global economic law.

As a PhD researcher, the candidate will conduct innovative research leading to the completion and publication of a PhD dissertation within four years. He or she will design a teaching and supervision plan, from which he/she will develop his/her research proposal. These tasks entail coordinating and agreeing with his/her supervisors on the content, planning, and supervision of the trajectory. He/she will engage autonomously in the collection of data (e.g., document analysis, archival work, interviews) and present intermediate research results in internal discussions and potentially at workshops and conferences. The teaching responsibilities could additionally include supervising master’s theses in international law.

Duration: 4 Years 

Starting Date: September 01, 2024


  • The salary ranges from €2.770 to €3.539 gross per month, based on a full working week of 38 hours. 
  • 8% holiday allowance, 8.3% year-end allowance and favourable tax agreements
  • 232 leave hours per year (at full-time employment); 
  • A variety of training opportunities, such as time management courses and an online platform with more than 100 different courses; 
  • 7 weeks of paid birth leave and partially paid parental leave 
  • the opportunity for hybrid working and support for your home office; 
  • a pension with ABP, the pension fund for employees in the government and education sectors, to which UvA contributes two-thirds 

Job Requirements

Applicants for the position Research Position on Sustainable Global Economic Law must meet the following criteria:

  • have a master’s degree in law or a related discipline in the social sciences or humanities;
  • are interested in conducting research on a topic related to the broader theme of the project and are committed to completing a doctoral dissertation in a period of four years;
  • have experience with conducting academic research and academic writing in English;
  • have experience with or are interested in contextual approaches to law and the combination of legal-doctrinal study with methods from adjacent disciplines (e.g., history, philosophy, political economy, international relations, political science, science and technology, media studies, etc.).
  • show a strong interest in pursuing a career in research;
  • be willing to contribute to activities related to the project, such as the organising of academic events or outreach and communication of research results to activists, relevant communities of practitioners and policy makers;
  • You have excellent organisational skills and are able to work independently.
  • You have excellent interpersonal skills and enjoy working with others.
READ ALSO  PhD in Accounting at the University of Amsterdam

Application Process

All applications should include the following information:

  • Motivational letter
  • A CV of no more than two pages
  • Project outline of no more than 2 000 words, excluding references
  • writing sample of a recently written, single-authored manuscript 
  • Copies of the LL.B. and LL.M. degrees or equivalent, providing information about the programme’s length, content, passed courses and grades

To apply for the Research Position on Sustainable Global Economic Law (PhD)click here.

Deadline: April 15, 2024.

For more information on the Research Position on Sustainable Global Economic Law (PhD), visit the official site.

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