Research Position in “System Philosophy and Responsibility” (Funded) 2021

The Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands invites application s for the above-stated postdoc researcher position in “System Philosophy and Responsibility”2021.

The aim of this project is to analyze the role of individual and collective action in situations in which groups are being nudged to behave in the desired way. The philosophy project will develop insights from system philosophy/philosophy of collective agency and ethics of technology to understand the phenomenon of crowd nudging and to improve socially responsible nudging of crowds.

Here, the postdoctoral researcher in psychology will work together with one system philosophy postdoctoral researcher, in social physics, and other researchers in the three disciplines which are

  • To develop a theoretical system model for understanding individual and collective agency and responsibility in crowd behavior,
  • To use the crowd dynamics measurements for empirical justification of his/her model,
  • And to develop interventions that are morally acceptable and that optimize individual and collective responsibility in the train stations.
  • A gross monthly salary between the range of 3,353 and 4,402 in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • A broad package of fringe benefits that includes an excellent technical infrastructure, moving expenses, and savings schemes).
  • Free access to high-quality training programs for research and valorization,  professional development courses for Ph.D. students, and didactical courses of the TEACH training program.
Job Requirements

Interested applicants should meet the following requirements

  • Full-time employment for 2 years.
  • A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university with the possibility to present their research work at international conferences.
  • Use of good English language and good communication skills.
  • Be able to conduct high-quality academic research, demonstrated by relevant publication(s); and
  • Has a Ph.D. in philosophy or applied ethics; or other relevant backgrounds ( such as sociology, psychology) as long as their interests and abilities match the strong conceptual focus of the project.
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Application Process

The following documents should be submitted for application

  • a curriculum vitae;
  • a writing sample;
  • a letter of application explaining applicant interest in the position;
  • Qualifications for the said position;
  • Names and contact information of two referees.
Application Deadline: May 15, 2021.

For more information and application, visit the official site.

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