Project Coordinator and Scientific Postdoctoral Researcher at Erasmus University

Erasmus School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands) is looking for a full-time employee who, as project coordinator and scientific postdoctoral researcher, can strengthen the research line “Rebalancing of public interests in private relations” as part of the Dutch Law Sector Plan.


The tasks as project coordinator include:

  • The organisation of the internal and external scientific activities of the sector plan (conferences, lectures, workshops, etc.) and proactively taking initiative to organize such activities (in particular the national platform “The Public-Private Challenge”);
  • The organisation, reporting and follow-up of the regular meetings of the management team within Erasmus School of Law and between EUR and the University of Groningen;
  • (Helping) to prepare reports and self-evaluations as required in the planning and evaluation cycle of the sector plan for law;
  • Recording and communicating the results of the sector plan projects (of the chairholders, postdocs, PhD students and the small grants initiative;
  • Updating the websites based on upcoming and past events or other activities;
  • To be the point of contact for questions about the sector plan and, where necessary, to forward it to the management team;
  • A contribution to the monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by the sector plan;
  • (Helping to) draw up regular financial reports on the sector plan for the management team and for the board of the faculty.

Start Date: February 1, 2022. 

Duration: A full-time employment for 3 years.


  • The salary will be a minimum of € 3,821 and a maximum of € 5,230 gross per month
  • 8% holiday allowance and an end-of-year payment of 8.3% and offers excellent secondary benefits, like a very generous leave scheme.
  • And other fringe benefits.
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Job Requirements

All applicants for the Project Coordinator and Scientific Postdoctoral Researcher position must meet the following requirements:

  • Relevant PhD (e.g. in law, criminology, public administration) with demonstrable affinity with the theme Rebalancing of public interests in private relations’;
  • Demonstrable scientific creativity and productivity based on publications, applications for research funding and other academic activities;
  • Affinity with the theme ’empirical legal studies’;
     Interest in bridging the gap between science and society;
  • Experience in setting up and maintaining a network of contacts and organizing cooperation, both in science and with companies and social institutions;
  • Understanding of and sensitivity to the formal and informal structure of an organization and how you move within it to achieve the desired results;
  • Participation in international academic networks and conferences;
  • Excellent written and oral Dutch and English communication skills.

Application Process

EUR is an equal opportunities employer and encourages applications for Project Coordinator and Scientific Postdoctoral Researcher at Erasmus University from candidates of all genders, ethnicities, and nationalities.

To apply for Project Coordinator and Scientific Postdoctoral Researcher, click here.

Application Deadline: January 10, 2022.

For more information on Project Coordinator and Scientific Postdoctoral Researcher, visit the official site.

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