Princeton University Fung Global Fellowship for Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researchers

Applications are currently open for the Princeton Institute International and Religion Studies (PIIRS) Fung Global Fellowship Program for Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researchers.

For the academic year 2023-24 and the third year in a row, the theme of the Fung Global Fellows Program is “Sustainable Futures.” 

The Fung Global Fellows Program welcomes applications from all disciplinary and inter-disciplinary fields, including social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, engineering, technology, law, architecture, and humanities, who analyze the sustainability of current systems and practices in light of historic, contemporary, and future challenges, with a focus on innovation.

Candidates with research plans that are compatible with at least one of the numerous related ongoing research initiatives at Princeton, whether at PIIRS or another academic unit, will be of particular interest to the search committee.

Duration: 10 months


  • The program will provide a salary for Early Career and Senior Fellows that equal the normal salary paid to a Fellow at his or her home institution.
  •  Postdoctoral Fellow salaries are set and updated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
  • Fellows will receive research funds.
  • If completing a physical fellowship at Princeton, Fellows are given office space, computer access in a suite dedicated to the Program, as well as access to the Firestone Library
  • If completing a physical fellowship at Princeton, the Program will pay transportation costs for each Fellow, and his or her spouse or domestic partner and for their child/children, with some outlined limitations
  • Also, the Program will pay for the shipment of books and papers that are necessary for the continuation of research, but not for the shipment of household goods.
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For the Fung Global Fellowship for Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researchers:

  • Eligible postdoctoral scholars must have completed all requirements for their Ph.D. before September 1, 2023, but cannot have more than two years of postdoctoral experience prior to the start of the appointment
  • The postdoctoral appointment will be for one academic year for a scholar who has received a Ph.D. at an institution outside the United States and, who at the time of application, does not have a tenure-track faculty appointment.
  • Early-career applicants must hold a faculty appointment, a professional research appointment, or be established independent scholars outside the United States at the time of application,
  • Fellowships will be awarded to candidates who have already demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement and exhibit unusual intellectual promise but are still at the beginning of their careers.

Nevertheless, all qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.


The key selection criteria include the:

  • strength of the candidate’s research projects,
  • relationship of those projects to the program’s theme,
  • candidate’s previous scholarly work,
  • candidate’s ability to contribute to the intellectual life and intellectual exchange of the program. 

Application Process

To apply for Fung Global Fellowship for Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researchers following items must be submitted by the applicant, in English, by the deadline:

  • Online application
  • Cover letter (1.5 pages maximum)
  • Curriculum Vitae (including publications)
  • Research proposal (maximum of 3 pages, single spaced)
  • One writing sample (dissertation chapter, article, or book chapter, maximum of 50 pages)
  • The names and email addresses of three referees
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To apply, click here.

Deadline: November 18, 2022.

For more information on Fung Global Fellowship for Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researchers, visit the official site.

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