Postdoctoral Scholar for Nature Therapies and Health Outcomes Project

The Natural Capital Project at Stanford is looking for a creative, collaborative postdoctoral fellow to assist in leading a randomized controlled trial to examine the efficacy of park prescriptions in a clinical environment (Nature Therapies and Health Outcomes Project).

The project is working with partners at Stanford Medical School. The “Nature Prescriptions to Improve Health” research aims to investigate the efficacy of park prescriptions that can provide medical professionals with non-pharmacologic approaches that could improve people’s health and well-being. The postdoc will examine changes in time spent outside and changes in health and well-being by analyzing data from wearables (such as heart rate variability and step counts), electronic medical records, and surveys.

Job Requirements

The Nature Therapies and Health Outcomes Project seeks applicants who:

  • Ph.D. in a relevant field (e.g., environmental health, statistics, data science, psychology, public health, behavioral medicine, epidemiology, exercise science, kinesiology)
  • Experience with research or project management
  • Strong quantitative analysis skills (e.g., experience working with electronic medical records, personal health information, etc.)
  • Experience with randomized controlled trials
  • Experience with analysis of geospatial data (e.g., GPS data, satellite imagery)
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively
  • Very good written and oral communication skills in English
  • Experience with research or project management
  • Experience collaborating on, documenting, sharing and managing code with version control (e.g., git, Github)
  • Conversant with the latest science linking nature access and human health and wellbeing
  • Experience working in interdisciplinary team settings

Application Process

Interested applicants for Nature Therapies and Health Outcomes Project are to attach the following documents for application:

  • a cover letter,
  • curriculum vitae, and
  • contact information for three references.
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For more information on Postdoctoral Scholar for Nature Therapies and Health Outcomes Project, visit the official site.

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