Postdoctoral Researcher on Sustainable Global Economic Law, University of Amsterdam

The Amsterdam Law School at the University of Amsterdam welcomes applications for postdoctoral researchers on sustainable global economic law (SGEL).

The candidate will undertake SGEL—a unique interdisciplinary research project bringing together legal scholars across legal sub-disciplines to work on the interactions between global economic law and environmental and social justice issues. Besides the research projects, the candidate will also actively contribute to the organization of international events and joint research projects, working within an interdisciplinary team. The research on SGEL forms part of a larger national collaboration under the topic “Transformative Effects of Globalization within Law” (TEGL), a collaboration between four Dutch law faculties: Tilburg University, Maastricht University, the Open University, and the University of Amsterdam that examines how law can foster just sustainability in global contexts. 

The chosen applicant is an inquisitive and inventive researcher with a dissertation in international public law or EU law under their belt who is interested in doing high-calibre work on law, globalization, and sustainability. Teamwork in multiple academic groups and prior project management expertise are advantages. Applications from candidates from underrepresented backgrounds are especially welcome.

Duration: 2 years


As a Postdoctoral Researcher on Sustainable Global Economic Law position, applicant will receive:

  • Depending on relevant experience on commencement of the employment contract, salary ranges between €3974 to €5439 gross per month
  • This sum does not include the 8% holiday allowance and the 8.3% year-end allowance.
  • 232 leave hours per year (at fulltime employment) and extra leave days between Christmas and 1 January; 
  • A variety of training opportunities, such as time management courses and an online platform with more than 100 different courses; 
  • 7 weeks of paid birth leave and partially paid parental leave; 
  • the opportunity for hybrid working and support for your home office; 
  • a pension with ABP, the pension fund for employees in the government and education sectors, to which UvA contributes two thirds 
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Job Requirements

The Postdoctoral Researcher on Sustainable Global Economic Law, University of Amsterdam, seeks applicants who:

  • A PhD in Law or a related discipline
  • Excellent command of English
  • A proven track-record of excellent research
  • Teaching experience in international public law or EU law.

Application Process

Interested applicants are to send their application via the apply button below and include the following:

  • cover letter,
  • CV, including a list of publications,
  • the names and contact details of 2 referees,
  • a research proposal of max. 2 pages and
  • one sample of academic writing in English (up to 30 pages).

Deadline: February 28, 2023.

For more information on the Postdoctoral Researcher on Sustainable Global Economic Law, University of Amsterdam, visit the official site.

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