Postdoctoral Researcher on Reading Strategies & Text Comprehension, and Eye-Movement Study

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences seeks a Postdoctoral Researcher on Reading Strategies & Text Comprehension and Eye-Movement Study in the University of Amsterdam.

In the Netherlands, higher education is increasingly taught in English, textbooks are increasingly written in English, and students come from a diverse range of linguistic origins. As a result, students read their study materials in their second language rather than their home language. The goal of this project is to investigate the link between (low-level) reading methods and text comprehension in second language learners. Eye movement metrics are used to reveal reading techniques. Individual differences in reading methods in response to comprehension goals will be the focus.

The experiment will be carried out in partnership with Ingmar Visser, an expert in eye-movement research and strategy analysis, and Patrick Snellings, an expert in language learning research, at the University of Amsterdam’s Developmental Psychology group.


  • set up a reading experiment;
  • collect eye movement data;
  • analyze eye movement data;
  • write up the results in scientific papers;
  • a teaching load of 20% is part of the job;
  • prepare grant applications.

Duration: 2 years


  • a competitive gross salary of salary is €3,821 and  €5,230 gross per month depending on experience;
  • 8% holiday allowance and a year-end bonus of 8.3%;
  • excellent pension scheme.

Job Requirements

The Postdoctoral Researcher on Reading Strategies & Text Comprehension, and Eye-Movement Study seeks applicants with:

  • a PhD in psychology, psycholinguistics, or another relevant related discipline;
  • experience with setting up, programming and running experiments;
  • experience with eye movement data collection and analysis is a plus;
  • a keen interest in reading/text comprehension;
  • a demonstrated willingness to learn, both in terms of theories and methods;
  • outstanding organizational skills, as well as a flexible attitude;
  • excellent oral and written communication skills in English and preferably in Dutch;
  • commitment to a fair and collegial working atmosphere;
  • commitment to open science (pre-registration, data sharing).
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Application Process

The applications for the Postdoctoral Researcher on Reading Strategies & Text Comprehension, and Eye-Movement Study should include:

  • a curriculum vitae and publication list;
  • a letter of motivation;
  • proof of their PhD degree; If they have not completed their degree at the time of application, they should provide a statement from their supervisor confirming the expected date of completion of the degree;
  • an academic writing sample in English (e.g., journal article, PhD dissertation);
  • the names and contact addresses of two academic references from which information can be obtained.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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