Postdoctoral Researcher on Computational ODE Models for Enzymatic Reaction Networks

The University of Amsterdam calls for applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher on Computational ODE Models for Enzymatic Reaction Networks.

Using available knowledge about the kinetics in combination with historical data, a network model based on ordinary differential equations (ODEs) will be built of all relevant chemical components and their dependence on the enzymes to be tested. This model will serve several goals. First, the model will be used online as a basis for simultaneous on-the-fly estimation of relevant kinetic constants based on all measured progress curves; possibly the model has to be reduced to gain speed in solving the ODEs. This should also entail an on-the-fly assessment of the quality of the estimates of the kinetic constants thereby possibly ending the experiment once a pre-set quality has been reached.


The successful candidate will perform the following tasks:

  • build computational ODE models for enzymatic reaction networks;
  • report and present your work on a regular basis to our industrial and academic partners;
  • work closely together with analytical chemists;
  • develop optimal measurement schemes for high throughput experiments;
  • actively participate in scientific discussions in our research group.


  • The salary will be between €2836 to €4474 gross per month, based on a fulltime contract 
  • A holiday pay and a year-end bonus.
  • And other fringe benefits.

Job Requirements

All applicants for the Postdoctoral Researcher on Computational ODE Models for Enzymatic Reaction Networks must meet the following requirements:

  • A PhD degree in the field of chemometrics, systems biology, applied mathematics or computational science.
  • One or more publications as first author in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.
  • Preferentially, skilled in data analysis and building models from data.
  • An ambitious person that is a team player with an open character.
  • An appreciation to contribute to valorization efforts and to foster collaborations with academic and industrial partners.
  • Experience with computational optimalization techniques.
  • An understanding and acceptance of the sensitivity of confidentiality in public-private collaborations.
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Application Process

Applications in .pdf should include:

  • two letters of support (one from theirr current or most recent lecturer/supervisor) and the following as separate PDF file attachments:
  • copies of any research publications/reports they have authored or co-authored, and

copies of their dissertation (MSc) or mini-dissertation (BSc (Hons) / BSc (Eng)).

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: December 24, 2021.

For more information on Postdoctoral Researcher on Computational ODE Models for Enzymatic Reaction Networks, visit the official site.

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