Postdoctoral Researcher on Biomolecular Condensates

The UMC Utrecht Center for Molecular Medicine in the group of dr. Jurian Schuijers is looking for a passionate Post Doc with a genuine interest in condensates biology and has experience with molecular cell biology, live-cell imaging, and biochemistry.

Gene regulation is a major driving force in development and differentiation. Therefore, faulty gene regulation lies at the heart of the majority of diseases. Intracellular signaling coordinates cell behavior and cell identity by directly regulating gene expression and constitutive signaling leading to cancer. So far understanding of the molecular mechanisms that lead to signaling-driven cancer formation is poorly understood. 

The recent discovery of signaling condensates (“protein droplets”) tells us that these may have an important function in signaling-driven-gene regulation. The PostDoc will develop a new condensate imaging technology into a high throughput screening platform for condensate perturbing compounds to combat cancer using state-of-the-art live-cell imaging, genome engineering, and organoid culturing approaches.


The Postdoctoral Researcher on Biomolecular Condensates offers an extensive package of employment conditions.

  • A maximum salary of € 4,707 
  • In addition to the monthly salary and an annual holiday allowance of 8%, applicants will receive an end-of-year bonus of 8.3%. 
  •  Allowance for working irregular hours. 
  • ABP pension.

Job Requirements

  • They seek a highly motivated and skilled Post Doc with an interest/background in molecular and transcriptional biology.
  • The ideal candidate is self-motivated, detail-oriented, and collaborative.
  • Has a good ability to think critically.

Application Process

To apply for this position, applicants are to submit

  • CV with a letter of motivation,
  • a list of publications, and
  • contact details of at least two references.

To apply as a Postdoctoral Researcher on Biomolecular Condensates, click here.

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Application Deadline: May 05, 2022

For more information, visit the official site.

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