Postdoctoral Research Positions in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning

The Faculty of Information Technology, University of Amsterdam invite applications for one or more postdoctoral research positions in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning at the intersection of machine learning and dark matter phenomenology, particle cosmology, and gravitational waves. 

The positions will start in Fall 2022 and will be initially for two years, with a possible extension by another year contingent depending on the availability of funding. Successful applicants will work in the research group of Dr. Christoph Weniger and are encouraged to participate in the vibrant research environment of Gravitation and Astroparticle Physics Amsterdam (GRAPPA). Through the University of Amsterdam (UvA), they will receive access to major Dutch computing facilities.  Research results are expected to be disseminated through scientific publications, conference presentations, and/or software distributions. 

This research position in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning aims at finding signals of physics beyond the Standard Model using a wide range of astrophysical observations. The focus will be given new observational approaches and technical challenges that others have not been able to overcome. The group has strong ties to the Dutch eScience center and AMLab and is part of the GRAPPA cluster of excellence.


  • The salary ranges between €2,836 to €4,474 on the basis of a full working week of 38 hours.
  • A holiday pay and a year-end bonus.
  • And other fringe benefits.

Job Requirements

All applicants for the Postdoc Position in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a PhD in physics.
  • Are able to work independently and to collaborate in a collegial multidisciplinary research environment.
  • Demonstrated abilities in theoretical physics, software and algorithm development, and/or astrophysical modelling.
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Application Process

Applications in .pdf should include two files

  • resume / CV should include in a single pdf
    • a publication list, list of talks and contract details of three referees;
    • a description of general research interests, past research and research plans.
  • cover letter
    • a letter whereapplicant will represent hi/her self briefly.

To apply for the Postdoctoral Research Positions in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning, click here.

Application Deadline: December 15, 2021.

For more information on Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning, visit the official site.

2 thoughts on “Postdoctoral Research Positions in Dark Universe Physics & Machine Learning

  1. I am Dr. Ananda Kumar, M.Tech ., PhD in computer science, From India. I looking for a Postdoc,
    You sent
    can have ur email, or WhatsApp number to share my Profile, i think ur the right person to get my Postdoc
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    You sent
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    thank u

    1. Dear Dr Kumar, thank you for your message. Academic Hive only curates these opportunities and share them here so it’s easily accessible for our readers. Applications should be made directly to the institution advertising the position (and not to Academic Hive). I hope you understand. 🙏

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