Postdoctoral Research Position in Mathematics in Algebraic Geometry at Utrecht University

Applications are welcome for a Postdoctoral Research Position in Mathematics in Algebraic Geometry at Utrecht University Netherlands.

The Mathematical Institute of the Department of Mathematics currently offers a postdoctoral position in the project ‘The Cohomology of the Moduli Space of Curves. The project is supported by NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) with principal investigator Carel Faber.

The Institute is internationally recognized for its research in both pure and applied mathematics. It houses the Utrecht Geometry Centre and maintains a long-standing tradition of transdisciplinary collaboration with other scientific fields including, among others, atmosphere/ocean sciences, computational life sciences, mathematical biology, medical and seismic imaging, and theoretical physics. 

Duration: A temporary appointment for 24-month.


  • The Job offer a gross salary of €4,474,
  • A pension scheme,
  • Collective insurance schemes,
  • Partially paid parental leave, and 
  • Flexible employment conditions.

Job Requirements

Department of Mathematics is seeking a driven and collaborative colleague with the following qualifications:

  • PhD in Mathematics, with a specialization in Algebraic Geometry (or a related field);
  • Interest in the intersection theory of the moduli space of curves or related moduli spaces, preferably demonstrated by published articles or preprints.

Also, they strongly encourage women to apply.

Application Process

The application should include the following documents:

  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;
  • Letter of motivation;
  • Teaching statement (maximum of 1 page, A4);
  • Research statement (maximum of 4 pages, A4);
  • The contact details of two references.

To apply for this position,  click here.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.

For more information, visit the Department of Mathematics official site.

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