Postdoctoral Position on Travel Behaviour Analysis and Modelling

For the European cooperation project ENHANCE, the Department of Spatial Economics at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam seeks a postdoc researcher on travel behaviour analysis and modelling in (sub)urban areas.

The project aims to enhance sustainable travel in small cities and outer metropolitan areas and takes a closer look at the 15-minute city concept. This planning concept promotes that residents have their most important services locally accessible through short walking, cycling, and public transport trips and is aimed at limiting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing air pollution, and creating more healthy living environments. The ENHANCE project is designed to understand the barriers to the application of 15 mC principles in outer metropolitan areas and small cities and provide evidence to improve local planning decision-making.

Together with researchers in London and Lisbon, the candidate will concentrate on two challenges:

  • Analyzing actual travel behaviour in relation to the 15-minute city objectives to describe the degree to which different societal groups fulfil their daily travel needs by local trips in practice and to understand current barriers to meeting sustainable travel objectives;
  • Develop a modelling environment that allows the development of future scenarios that enhance accessibility through the provision of transport infrastructure, adapting travel behavior, or (re)developing the city.


  • conducting research and teaching;
  • initiate empirical research on the themes outlined above;
  • work jointly with researchers at other universities in the UK and Portugal from different disciplinary backgrounds;
  • write high-quality research papers;
  • present research-in-progress at, e.g. workshops or conferences;
  • initiate meetings and share results with the project’s societal partners;
  • contribute to the spatial analysis and GIS-related courses of the department.
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Duration: The position has a fixed-term contract of 3 years.


  • On full-time basis, the remuneration amounts to a minimum gross monthly salary of €3,226
    and a maximum of €5,090, depending on education and experience.
  • a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment,
  • 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus
  • solid pension scheme (ABP),
  • contribution to commuting expenses,
  • optional model for designing a personalized benefits package

Job Requirements

The Postdoctoral Position on Travel Behaviour Analysis and Modelling requires;

  • the ideal candidate has recently completed (finalized and submitted) a university PhD in Spatial data science, Travel behaviour analysis, Land-use and transport modelling or a similar field that is relevant to the project objectives;
  • strong quantitative methodological skills in handling detailed spatial data and survey data;
  • proven experience with empirical (behavioural) research;
  • experience with spatial modelling, preferably with land-use transport interaction models;
  • affinity with spatial planning practice;
  • able to establish own role within the project objectives as independent and creative scholar;
  • able to collaborate in groups as well as work individually;
  • demonstrable flexibility and strong communication skills required to collaborate with international and local societal partner(s);
  • proficient in written and spoken English, preferably also able to communicate in Dutch;
  • academic writing skills

Application Process

Interested applicants should submit the following documents:

  • curriculum vitae including publications and
  • a personal motivation letter indicating the specific area of interest and ideas for this research topic (+/- 1 page)
  • reference letter

To apply for the Postdoctoral Position on Travel Behavior Analysis and Modellingclick here.

Deadline: November 20, 2023.

For more information on the postdoctoral position on travel behavior analysis and modelling, visit the official site.

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