Postdoctoral Associate on SPRINT Project, Speech Production

The Faculty of Arts at Radboud University in the Netherlands, calls for applications for a Postdoctoral Associate in SPRINT Project, Speech Production.

SPRINT investigates the phonetics, phonology, and pragmatics of intonation in a number of varieties of English and Greek, examining both production and perception. The project also involves a collaboration with Chris Cummins (Edinburgh) and Yiya Chen (Leiden) as senior scientists.

They will be a key contributor to SPRINT, working alongside the PI, other postdocs, local assistants, and the project’s lab manager. They will also undertake and manage primarily quantitative research addressing the research questions tackled by the project, author research papers on these questions (in collaboration with the rest of the team), and disseminate project research in seminars, workshops, conferences, and public engagement activities, thereby contributing to the promotion of SPRINT in social media and other online platforms.

Specifically, they will have primary responsibility for one of the two main strands of SPRINT’s research, the processing of intonation in English and Greek, using behavioral experiments, and primarily eye-tracking and EEG. The aim of the research will be to probe the relevance of production findings for the processing of intonation.


The tasks for this position include:

  • designing behavioral experiments on the processing of intonation, including experiments following existing paradigms (such as betting) and developing new paradigms suitable for intonation research; the languages tested with these experiments are English and Greek;
  • designing experiments related to the above, but using eye-tracking and EEG; the languages tested with these experiments are English and Greek;
  • Setting up, collecting, and analyzing the resulting data.
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Duration: 24 months


  • The gross monthly salary amounts to a minimum of €3,821 and a maximum of €5,230 depending on previous education and the number of years of relevant work experience.
  • will receive an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • It concerns temporary employment. You will be appointed for an initial period of 2 months, after which your performance will be evaluated. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended for another 22 months.
  • Dual Career and Family Care Services.

Job Requirements

The Postdoctoral Associate on SPRINT Project, Speech Production seeks candidates who;

  • hold a PhD in a relevant discipline (e.g. linguistics, cognitive science, psychology).
  • have a solid knowledge of linguistics and are familiar with experimental methodologies, statistical modeling, scripting languages, and applications used in research on speech production in general and in SPRINT in particular (e.g. Praat, R, Python).
  • have experience with or the willingness and technical aptitude to familiarise themselves with software and applications used in SPRINT at Radboud University.
  • experience and familiarity with research on the production of intonation will be a strong advantage.
  • have excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • have strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • are able to work independently, under the PI’s direction, and as part of a team.

Application Process

Interested applicants can apply for Postdoctoral Associate on SPRINT Project, Speech Production by filling in the application form and attaching the following documents:

  • A motivation letter (maximum 3 pages), explaining how their academic background, skills, and experience fit the duties associated with this position.
  • CV, including the names of two referees.
  • A copy of their doctoral degree or a statement by their supervisor confirming that they will have completed the required degree by the start date.
  • A copy of a published article.
  • Files (or links to openly available files) related to a recent project (dataset, scripts, etc.).
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To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: June 15, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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