Postdoc Researcher on Artificial Intelligence for Haptics

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Delft University of Technology is looking for a highly motivated postdoc researcher interested in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to haptics.

The Haptic Interface Technology Lab (HITLab) is an interdisciplinary research group led by Dr. Yasemin Vardar at the Human-Robot Interaction Section of the Cognitive Robotics Department of the Delft University of Technology. Our overarching goal is to understand the relationship between the mechanical deformation of human skin and tactile perception and how this relation can be effectively simulated via haptic interfaces in digital environments.

Haptic Interface Technology Lab (HITLab) seeks a highly motivated postdoc to analyze or synthesize tactile information (e.g., time series data) using supervised and unsupervised learning models.  

Besides, they will develop their

  • writing and communication skills by publishing in journals and conferences,
  • presentation and networking skills by attending international conferences,
  • leadership skills by co-supervising B.Sc./M.Sc./Ph.D. students for their projects and improving lab organization, and
  • teaching skills by actively contributing to courses as a teaching assistant,
  • gain experience in grant proposal writing.

    Starting Date: The starting date is flexible, but July/August 2024 is preferable.


    • Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. 
    • The TU Delft offers a customizable compensation package, discounts on health insurance, and a monthly work costs contribution.
    • Flexible work schedules can be arranged.

    Job Requirements

    Applicants for this position must meet the following criteria:

    • High motivation for working on an interdisciplinary research project.
    • PhD degree in a related subject (Computer science, electronics engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.).
    • Strong academic performance in relevant areas.
    • Interest in haptics.
    • Dare to dream big and take initiative.
    • Hunger for learning “new” things.
    • Independent and critical attitude.
    • Strong work ethic and integrity.
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    Application Process

    Interested applicants are to submit the following documents for application:

    • Motivation letter (1-2 pages) explaining their fit for this project by highlighting their related research skills and motivation for this position.
    • CV.
    • PhD thesis or publications (if applicable).
    • Name and contact details of at least two referees (preferably their PhD thesis advisor).
    • Transcripts of their PhD, MSc, and BSc studies.

    To apply for the Postdoc Researcher on Artificial Intelligence for Hapticsclick here.

    Deadline: June 30, 2024.

    For more information on Postdoc Researcher on Artificial Intelligence for Haptics, visit the official site.

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