Postdoc Researcher in AI and Communication and Digital Communication Methods

The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences call for applications for Postdoc Researcher in AI and Communication and Digital Communication Methods.

This postdoctoral position focuses on the area of AI and Communication. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related technologies are reshaping the media landscape at an extremely fast pace. This brings drastic changes to our communication environment, including the digitization, personalization, and automation of media and communication in a wide variety of contexts – from interpersonal communication to news, health or politics, commerce, entertainment, and everything in between. AI and related technologies – and the increasing availability of digital trace data – also open promising avenues and methods for communication research, which is much needed in such a complex environment. This postdoctoral position will contribute to advance the Lab’s methodological and substantive research in this area, and actively collaborate with interdisciplinary research in affiliate labs within the university – including the RPA Human(e) AI, the AI, Media & Society Lab, and the Communication in the Digital Society Initiative. 

However, strong methodological skills in computational social science or related fields, as demonstrated by research papers in relevant values. This includes baseline skills in programming as applied for communication science (e.g., Python and R) and, more broadly, the application of computational methods for the collection and/or analysis of communication data.

Starting Date: January 15, 2022


  • develop, conduct, and publish research in AI & Communication;
  • contribute to the overall RPA in terms of events, research meetings, and general activities;
  • collaborate with other faculty members within the lab;
  • contribute to new grant applications;
  • help co-supervising research projects of students working on relevant topics;
  • engage in educational activities (max 20% teaching, pending).
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  • A gross monthly salary €3,807 to €5.211
  • A free access to high-quality training programs on general skills, didactics and topics related to research and valorization.
  • Annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.

Job Requirements

  • A relevant PhD degree.
  • A clear research interest in the topic of the position (documented by publications and/or grant applications).
  • Strong methodological skills in social-scientific (quantitative) research methods.
  • A relevant background in computational social science, communication science, social science, human-centered approaches to AI or similar.
  • Strong research interest in AI and communication as witnessed by research papers in relevant venues.
  • The ability, willingness, and commitment to do autonomous work in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Experience with organising workshops, lecture series, or other events that facilitate knowledge dissemination and valorisation.
  • Strong communication skills and experience with working with partners within and outside academia.
  • Excellent written and spoken command of English, as demonstrated by publications in English-language journals.

Application Process

The application should include;

  • a curriculum vitae, including a list of their publications;
  • a brief cover letter discussing applicants interests about this position;
  • a research plan, indicating how they propose to approach the research question posed in this description of the vacancy (no more than 750 words);

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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