Postdoc Predicting Deforestation Using Satellite Data and Artificial Intelligence

 Wageningen University and Research are looking for a highly qualified researcher with good capabilities to develop Deep Learning and other Machine Learning methods and use remote sensing data (Predicting Deforestation Using Satellite Data and Artificial Intelligence).

This research aims to move from observation to prevention, by developing near-future predictions of where and when new forest activities will occur. Several Machine Learning approaches (e.g. artificial neural networks, Bayesian methods) will be used to combine deforestation alerts with dynamic spatial datasets (precipitation seasonality, topography, accessibility, land-use, socio-economic variables, forest concession data) to model and map the spatiotemporal dynamics of near-future deforestation at multiple scales.

The postdoc will participate in the WWF Forest Foresight program, in which WWF-Netherlands and partners collaborate with forest-managing stakeholders in implementing countries across the tropics (e.g. Gabon, Suriname, Borneo) to prevent illegal forest activities by providing tailored predictions for on-the-ground field investigations and preventive activities. Methods developed in this postdoc project will be implemented, field-tested, and validated in key implementing countries.


Wageningen University & Research offers excellent terms of employment such as;

  • a competitive gross salary of between € 2.846 and € 5.230, depending on experience;
  • sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;
  • working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;
  • the option to accrue additional compensation / holiday hours by working more, up to 40 hours per week;
  • there is a strong focus on vitality and you can make use of the sports facilities available on campus for a small fee;
  • a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;
  • excellent pension scheme.
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Job Requirements

  • PhD in Remote Sensing, Data Science or a related field;
  • Expertise in developing Deep Learning-based methods;
  • Experience in processing and analysis of satellite remote sensing data;
  • Experience in Python and  Pytorch/Tensorflow;
  • Expertise in forest change dynamics;
  • Good scientific writing skills and publishing capacity;
  • Interest to collaborate in a multi-disciplinary research team;
  • Excellent communication and writing skills in English.

Application Process

The application should include:

  • a cover letter describing their motivation for applying for this position,
  • a CV including contact information for three references.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: April 20, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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