Postdoc Position: The International Right to Housing and Data Science (Full-Time)

The University of Groningen, Netherland calls for application to its European Research Council project “The International Right to Housing and Data Science”.

The position concerns research identifying and analyzing the corpus of relevant European and international legal documents on the right to housing. The researcher will – in an interdisciplinary research team – systematically collect, assess, and juxtapose

  • General Comments (GC) and documents relating to reporting cycles and decisions of the CESCR;
  • Resolutions of the Human Rights Council;
  • Communications and Reports of the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing;
  • GC and documents relating to reporting cycles and decisions of the Committee on the Rights of the Child;
  • ECtHR case-law and Decisions of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe;
  • Reports of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights;
  • Decisions, Conclusions and Follow-up Decisions of the ECSR; and
  • ECJ/CJEU case law.

The researcher is expected to successfully

  • undertake research on the project;
  • publish and edit peer-reviewed journal articles, and book chapters; as well as
  • attend, present at, and organize conferences and workshops, and undertake (limited) teaching activities related to the ERC project.
  • He/she will assist the Principal Investigator with daily supervisory duties pertaining to the project.
Start Date: September 1, 2021
  • a postdoc salary between € 3,217 and € 3,886 gross per month on a full-time basis, depending on qualifications and work experience
  • a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income and an 8.3% year-end bonus
  • 186 holiday hours per calendar year (with the position of 80%)
    participation in a pension scheme for employee
  • a temporary position of one year (12 months) with the option of renewal for another year (12 months). The prolongation of the contract is contingent on sufficient progress in the first year.
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Job Requirements
  • Ph.D. in law (or being in the final phase of submitting a Ph.D. thesis)
  • interested in and experience with legal scientific research and methodology, including comparative legal research;
  • an interest in data science would be an advantage
  • interested in and experience with human rights and the interaction between private and public law, and international and national law
  • highly proficient in spoken and written English (a writing sample will be requested)
  • willingness to co-supervise Ph.D. and (researcher) master students
  • ability to work both individually and as part of a team
  • demonstrable competencies: planning and organizing, conceptual capacity, presenting, monitoring, flexibility, independent, analytical skills.
  • working knowledge of Dutch, Spanish, and/or other languages will be considered an advantage but is not essential
Application Process

Interested applicants should include the following in their application

  • a cover letter
  • curriculum vitae
  • a scanned version of their Ph.D. degree, or a letter attesting to the fact that they are in the final stages of completing their PhD
  • writing sample of up to 10.000 words, including footnotes (on a topic related to the EVICT project).
  • list of grades from their master’s degree (and list of publications if applicable) and
  • the names and contact details of three referees, who may be contacted.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2021.

For more information and application, click here.

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