Postdoc Position: SmartHubs Project, University of Twente (Full-Time)

The University of Twente welcomes applications for a postdoctoral researcher position in the SmartHubs research project.

In this project, the candidate will work closely with research and industrial partners from six countries, including the following universities: TU Munich, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Münster (WWU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), University of Bologna (UNIBO), TU Wien. In the SmartHubs project, the candidate will conduct research that goes beyond the state of the art to explore the potential of user-centric mobility hubs that promote inclusive sustainable urban mobility and accessibility. The research will be applied in five living labs in Vienna, Brussels, The Hague-Rotterdam, Munich, and Istanbul.

However, In this SmartHubs project candidate will have to coordinate the activities of The Hague-Rotterdam, which is one of the five project living labs, liaise with the local partners, organize surveys and focus-group workshops, analyze smartcard data from public transport service providers, and collaborate with researchers from the six other universities in the project to adopt best practices from other living labs.

Start Date: May 1, 2021
  • Investigate the mobility and accessibility impacts of different levels of digital and physical integration between shared mobility modes and public transport (bus, light rail, metro). The level of integration can vary from separate app-based shared mobility services to integrated mobility-as-a-service platforms
  • Examine the impact of changes in mobility and accessibility induced by mobility hubs in all living labs on satisfaction with travel and subjective wellbeing for population segments
  • Provide decision support to third-party journey planners with respect to the integration of public transport and shared mobility options to suggest multiple options to travelers
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  • A full-time contract for 36 months.
  • A gross salary between € 3.353,- and € 4.402,-  per month, depending on experience and qualifications.
  • An annual holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, and an annual end-of-year bonus of 8.3%.
  • A solid pension scheme.
  • Minimum of 29 leave days in case of full-time employment.
  • Professional and personal development programs.
Job Requirements
  • Ph.D. graduate with a research background in the areas of mobility hubs shared mobility, accessibility, and mobility-as-a-service.
  • English language skills (knowledge of Dutch is also a plus);
  • Communication and interpersonal skills, teamwork, initiative, and self-reflection;
  • Prior knowledge in the analysis of surveys and in the processing of big data will be useful for candidates to successfully complete the project.
Application Process

Interested applicants should send the following documents to apply, for this position

  • with a curriculum vitae,
  • a list with grades of courses attended,
  • references and,
  • if applicable, a list of publications.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2021.

For more information visit the official site.

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