Postdoc Position on Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy from Bogland Species

The Faculty of Science and the Institute of Biology are seeking candidates for the following positions (Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy from Bogland Species) Postdoctoral Fellow.

The postdoctoral researcher will work on the Bogland Species: Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy research project. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland cooperated with vertical farming, a breakthrough in plant production (TCS). The research program aims at chemical profiling and identification of bioactive metabolites from the bogland species in Ireland.

The research consortium of the research program included a multitude of research groups including Leiden University (Leiden, The Netherlands) and several groups from Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland), all of which contribute to the research program with their own expertise. In this research consortium, the postdoctoral researcher will perform the metabolomics investigation of the bogland species, for which NMR, LC (UHPLC)-MS, and GC-MS as well as isolation and identification of target compounds, aiming at uncovering bioactive metabolites. 

Duration:  24 months


  • Salary range from € 2,846 to € 4,490 gross per month,
  • Leiden University offers an attractive benefits package with additional holiday (8%) and end-of-year bonuses (8.3 %),
  • Training and career development and sabbatical leave.

Job Requirements

  • PhD in life sciences (analytical chemistry and phytochemistry are preferable)
  • Knowledge of plant metabolism, phytochemistry including both primary and secondary metabolites
  • Knowledge of basic statistics and multivariate data analysis
  • Work experience in NMR spectroscopy and Mass spectrometry 
  • Work experience in isolation and identification of natural products
  • Excellent communication, presentation, and writing skills. 
  • Strong ability to work in a team

Application Process

To apply for the Postdoc Position on Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy from Bogland Species, send an email to and make sure to include the following supplementary papers (all in one PDF file) together with the vacancy number:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Application letter describing the required experience for the position
  • Contact details of two referees who may be asked for a reference letter.     
READ ALSO  Postdoc Position on Statistical Analyses of Long-Term Phytoplankton Dynamics

 To apply, click here

Application Deadline: June 24, 2022.

For more information on the Postdoc Position on Unlocking Nature’s Pharmacy from Bogland Species, visit the official site.

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