Formal Methods and Tools group at the University of Twente is looking for a PostDoc researcher with a particular focus on source code analysis and manipulation.
The candidate is supposed to perform research on theory, techniques, and applications that concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of software systems. They understand the term “source code” very widely here, referring to any fully executable description of a software system, such as machine code, high-level languages, formal specifications, executable graphical representations of systems, etc. Under the term “analysis” they understand any (semi-)automated procedure that yields insight into source code, and finally, and finally, “manipulation” refers to any automated or semi-automated procedure that takes and returns source code. While much attention in the wide software engineering community is directed towards other aspects of systems development, such as specification, design, and requirements engineering it is the source code that contains the only precise description of the behavior of a system. Hence, the analysis and manipulation of source code remain a pressing concern in the modern world.
The terms of employment are in accordance with the collective labor agreement for Dutch universities (CAO-NU) and include:
- Gross salary between € 3.420,- and €4.490,- per month depending on experience and qualifications;
- Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary, a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme;
- Between 29 and 41 leave days in case of full-time employment;
- Excellent support for research and facilities for professional and personal development.
- A family-friendly institution that offers parental leave (both paid and unpaid).
Job Requirements
- Be an enthusiastic researcher and highly motivated.
- Proficiency in English and at least two software languages is required.
- Applicant must own a PhD degree in the field of computer science or software engineering.
- A background in formal methods is a plus.
- Like to work in an internationally oriented environment and have a good team spirit.
However, the candidate must have a strong interest in research and have a publication record on topics such as abstract interpretation, bad smell detection, bug location and prediction, clone detection, decompilation, energy-efficient source code, natural language analysis of source code artifacts, program comprehension, slicing, transformation and refactoring, repository, revision, and change analysis, source-level metrics, optimization, testing, and verification.
Application Process
Interested applicants for this position on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation are to fill in the application form below. However, all applications must include:
- A motivation letter, emphasizing candidate specific interest in this topic, his/her matching competences and motivation to apply for the position.
- A full Curriculum Vitae including publications, awards, and working experience.
- An electronic copy of his/her PhD thesis.
- References (contact information) of two scientific staff members (such as the supervisor of PhD project) who are willing to provide a recommendation letter at request.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2022.
For more information, visit the official site.