Postdoc Position on Palaeoclimate Modelling at Utrecht University

Utrecht University’s Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research (IMAU) invites applications for a two-year postdoc position in palaeoclimate modeling.

The P2F project covers topics like mathematics, physics, geology, (palaeo-)biology, and archaeology. Scientists from these fields have joined forces to make the most optimal use of past climatic conditions to better understand Earth’s climate response to different kinds of forcing, with a focus on potential abrupt climatic transitions and the crossing of tipping points. 

Duration: 2 years


The tasks for Postdoc Position on Palaeoclimate Modelling include:

  • setting up and performing simulations within the CESM Earth system model for specific PMIP time slice simulations (e.g. Last Glacial Maximum and Pliocene) to perform model-data comparisons with existing and new proxy data collections;
  • evaluating the model-data comparisons to identify improvement strategies for earth system models.
  • Closely interact with consortium partners at NCAR and the PlioMIP and DeepMIP model intercomparison projects to design the model experiments.


    • a full-time working week and a gross monthly salary between €3,378 and €5,331.
    • 8% holiday pay and 8.3% year-end bonus; 
    • a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave, and flexible terms of employment based on the CAO NU. 

    Job Requirements

    Applicants with multiple of the following requirements are highly welcome to apply for the Postdoc Position on Palaeoclimate Modelling:

    • a PhD in physics, applied mathematics, meteorology, geosciences, or a related field;
    • excellent skills in scientific programming and numerical/statistical analysis of simulated and observed data;
    • experience with Earth System Modelling and climate model output analyses;
    • experience with the CESM or another CMIP model is of advantage;
    • basic knowledge of (geophysical) fluid dynamics;
    • experience with proxy data and palaeoclimate model-data comparison is of advantage.
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    Application Process

    Applications should include:

    • motivation letter;
    • curriculum vitae;
    • the names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of two referees;
    • a copy of PhD certificate or a letter from the applicant’s university stating when his/her defence will take place.

    To apply for a postdoc position in paleoclimate modelling at Utrecht University, click here.

    Deadline: January 22, 2025.

    For more information on the Postdoc Position on Palaeoclimate Modelling at Utrecht University, visit the official site.

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