Postdoc Position on Optical Diffraction Tomography for Tumor Histology

The Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Delft University of Technology has an opening for a postdoctoral position in optical diffraction tomography for tumor histology.

This project aims to create high-resolution 3D images of optically cleared clinical tissue samples (e.g., biopsies) with optical diffraction tomography (ODT) for clinical diagnosis. The research will involve work on the biochemistry of optical tissue clearing and imaging of clinically relevant tissues using an existing set-up. The postdoc will perform proof of principle experiments that show the potential of ODT for 3D digital imaging of large-volume tissue resections, compare the results to conventional histology, and translate the results to a clinical environment.

They are looking for an enthusiastic candidate with a strong ‘engineering spirit’ in combination with experience in (molecular) biology laboratories. She/he has a demonstrable interest in optical imaging, tissue engineering, image processing, and clinical research. They highly recommend excellent analytical skills and a mindset towards cooperation with clinicians and clinical application of the technology. The candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field.

Duration: The position has a fixed-term contract of 2 years.


  • Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, a discount on health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution.

Job Requirements

The Position on Optical Diffraction Tomography for Tumor Histology seeks an enthusiastic candidate with:

  • A strong ‘engineering spirit’ in combination with experience in (molecular) biology laboratories.
  • A demonstrable interest in optical imaging, tissue engineering, image processing, and clinical research.
  • Excellent analytical skills and a mindset towards cooperation with clinicians and clinical application of the technology are highly recommended.
  • The candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field.
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Application Process

Interested applicants are to send their application via the apply button below and include the following:

  • Letter of motivation (generic letters will be disregarded),
  • Detailed CV with publication list,
  • Three potential references

 To apply for the Postdoc Position on Optical Diffraction Tomography for Tumor Histology, click here.

Deadline: Remains open until filled.

For more information on Postdoc Position on Optical Diffraction Tomography for Tumor Histology, visit the official site.

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