Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars

The Microbes Mucus and Milk research group at the Laboratory of Microbiology seeks to recruit a Postdoc in Infant Microbiome Microbial Networks.

Human Milk is the main important nutrition of most infants. Apart from serving the nutritional needs of the infant, it feeds the microbes in the infant’s gut.  In this study, we aim to understand how the utilization of human milk sugars by the gut microbiome can affect gut function as well as the formation and development of a healthy infant gut microbiome in infants and toddlers. 

The aim of the FUCOQUEST project is to understand the molecular mechanism that the microbes use to degrade human milk sugars and how microbial networks contribute to infant gut health. As postdoc, the candidate will (among others) perform:

  • bioinformatic and biostatistics analyses for microbiota profiling on samples from a clinical trial;
  • cultivate several microbial strains and synthetic microbial communities;
  • operate anaerobic fermenters. 


  • A competitive gross salary of between €2846,- and €4490,- for a full-time
  • Sabbatical leave, study leave, and partially paid parental leave;
  • Working hours that can be discussed and arranged so that they allow for the best possible work-life balance;
  • A fixed December bonus of 8.3%;
  • Excellent pension scheme.

Job Requirements

To be eligible for the Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars, applicants must:

  • Have a PhD degree in either Microbiology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology or similar;
  • Have experience with anaerobic culturing, molecular techniques, microbial fermentation in bioreactors;
  • Preferably have understanding of microbiome research;
  • preferably have experience in MATLAB, R, Python or similar programming languages;
  • Be able to communicate with different academic and commercial partners.
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Application Process

Interested applicants for the Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars, are to fill in the application form and attach the following documents:

  • Full curriculum vitae
  • Motivation letter specifically addressing the position
  • Publication list
  • Two letters of references.

To apply Postdoc position on Infant Gut Microbiome and Breast milk sugars, click here.

Application Deadline: August 08, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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