Postdoc Position on Delta Transport Processes Laboratory at Delft University of Technology

The Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences (CEG) welcome applications for a Postdoc Position on Delta Transport Processes Laboratory at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

At TU Delft, the new Delta Transport Processes Laboratory (DTPLab) will enable the study of surface wave-driven transport processes that play a role in deltas, taking into account the effects of the Earth’s rotation and density stratification. The DTPLab’s two key components will be a rotating surface wave basin and an internal wave flume, both combined with state-of-the-art measurement techniques. The post-doc will take the lead in the development of the DTPLab.


The postdoc’s responsibilities will include:

  • defining the user-requirements of the DTPLab based on the scientific challenges it aims to address,
  • establishing proof-of-concept at small scale through collaboration with (inter)national partners,
  • working with external and internal suppliers as well laboratory staff in the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory at TU Delft to develop and build the DTPLab’s experimental facilities, and
  • demonstrate the DTPLab’s abilities through scientific experiments and dissemination of these results through publications.


  • The salary will amount to a gross minimum € 3.548,00, and a gross maximum  € 4.474,00, per month.
  • A holiday pay and a year-end bonus.
  • Assistant with family-related issue, help partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment and help to settle in Nijmegen.

Job Requirements

To be a good candidate for this postdoc position on Delta Transport Processes Laboratory, applicants must have:

  • A PhD degree in Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics or a related subject.
  • Knowledge of and experience in fluid mechanics, mathematical modelling and ocean waves and/or physical oceanography (the latter is ideal, but not essential).
  • Good programming skills (Python, Matlab).
  • Experience with laboratory experiments (experience with laboratory techniques in fluid mechanics are an advantage, but not essential).
  • Outstanding analytical skills.
  • Self-motivated, autonomous, curiosity-driven, open to communicate and collaborate with others in a multi-disciplinary and culturally diverse team. 
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Application Process

To apply for this position, fill in the application form and attach the following documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Letter of motivation.

To apply for the Postdoc Position on Delta Transport Processes Laboratory at the Delft University of Technology, click here.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2022.

For more information on the Postdoc Position on Delta Transport Processes Laboratory at the Delft University of Technology, visit the official site.

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