Postdoc Position in Robust Catalysts for Waste Stream Reforming

The Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Catalysis invite applications for the Postdoc Position in Robust Catalysts for Waste Stream Reforming.

Carbon-neutral hydrogen production is a priority for both the energy transition and the chemical sector. One strategy to produce ultralow-carbon, low-cost hydrogen is to adapt the existing steam reforming process to accept waste feedstocks such as biogas, biomass derivatives, and off-streams hydrocarbons. This calls for the discovery of better catalysts, more resistant to poisoning, by rational catalyst design.


For this Postdoc Position in Robust Catalysts for Waste Stream Reforming, the candidate will work

  • on bridging the existing knowledge gap in understanding deactivation mechanisms using advanced operando spectroscopic techniques to study the catalyst at work.
  • developing and testing new sintering- and poisoning-resistant bimetallic catalysts based on nickel, for the production of hydrogen via steam, dry, or tri-reforming of simulated waste streams.
  • providing a fundamental understanding of reforming reactions and leading to the discovery of better-performing catalysts with direct practical application for the valorization of carbon dioxide, methane, and other low-value feedstocks. 


  • the opportunity to work in and with a team of leading experts;
  • a full-time gross salary, depending on previous qualifications and work experience, that ranges between €2,960 and €4,670 per month;
  • 8% holiday bonus and 8.3% end-of-year bonus;
  • a pension scheme partially paid parental leave, and flexible employment conditions based on the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.

Job Requirements

The Postdoc Position in Robust Catalysts for Waste Stream Reforming seeks an ambitious, skilled candidate who has:

  • a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis;
  • expertise in material syntheses, surface chemistry, and analytical characterization;
  • experience in methane steam/dry/tri reforming chemistry (considered an advantage);
  • experience in supervision of MSc and possibly PhD students.
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Application Process

Interested applicants can apply and ensure that they attach the following:

  • a CV with full
  • a letter of motivation
  • the names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of at least two references.

To apply, click here

Application Deadline: August 08, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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