Postdoc Position in Earth Science at SRON

SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research calls for applications from ambitious post-doctoral scientists with strong numerical skills and experience in atmospheric remote sensing and data processing.

With their work at SRON, candidates will analyze the performance of the innovative instrument payload of the European CO2 Monitoring (CO2M) mission in perspective of its overall science objectives. CO2M is one of the most challenging European missions for atmospheric remote sensing, comprising the launch of three satellites in the years 2025-2026 by the European Space Agency (ESA). SRON has a leading role in advising ESA regarding the scientific targets of the mission and develops operational data processing algorithms of CO2M for the European operational satellite agency EUMETSAT. Candidates will be part of our team of scientists working on the interpretation of TROPOMI – and other – satellite data in the Earth Science Group (ESG) of SRON. 

At SRON they believe that a workforce diverse in gender, age, and cultural background is key to performing excellent research. They therefore strongly encourage qualified applicants of all ages, sexual orientations, gender expressions, members of minorities, persons with disabilities, and potential dual-academic-career hires to apply.

Duration: This position is for 2 years, with the possibility for an extension of another 2 years.


  • The monthly salary is a maximum of € 4.514,– gross per month on a full-time basis
  • Excellent reputation in space science
  • Societal relevant, high-quality science
  • Extensive development opportunities
  • 42 vacation days
  • parental leave
  • Working from home
  • Well-equipped modern labs

Job Requirements

The Postdoc Position in Earth Science at SRON seek candidates with

  • a PhD in (atmospheric) physics or similar;
  • experience in atmospheric trace gas and aerosol remote sensing;
  • a strong programming skills in Python, C++ and Fortran will be an asset;
  • good English language skills (speaking and writing); and
  • the ability to both work in a team and independently.
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Application Process

All applications should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae, and list of publications
  • letter of motivation.

To apply for the Postdoc Position in Earth Science at SRON, click here.

Application Deadline: April 15, 2022

For more information, visit the official site.

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