Postdoc position in COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research

The Department Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention and Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy is looking for a candidate with a PhD in epidemiology, a strong interest in clinical epidemiology combining clinical aspects with laboratory data, a solid methodological background to apply for the above-stated position.

A better understanding of the COVID-19 disease course in non-hospitalized patients is needed to guide the standard of care to properly manage patients at home, administer early treatment and predict progression to the severe or chronic disease on time. The work will be mainly done within the ZonMw funded project COVID-HOME in close collaboration with other COVID-19 research projects e.g. the EU H2020 ORCHESTRA project. The COVID-HOME study is a prospective cohort study of non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients followed at home.


  • The candidate will apply advanced data analysis methodologies to longitudinal clinical and laboratory data to identify predicting/risk factors for Post-COVID condition and to identify associations between the duration and severity of signs/symptoms of COVID-19 disease and viral loads, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody kinetics and change in laboratory parameters in the COVID HOME cohort.
  • They will supervise students working on the same project and datasets.
  • They will write publications and will have the opportunity to present work on (inter)national conferences.

Primary Location: Groningen

Duration: A full-time employment for 2 years.


  • A maximum salary of € 4.707,- gross per month
  • 8% holiday pay, and 8.3% end-of-year bonus. 

Job Requirements

  • A PhD in epidemiology, preferably with a focus on health (clinical epidemiology).
  • Advanced expertise in analysis of longitudinal data (required), including mixed-effects models, and interpretation of results.
  • Expertise in programming in Stata, R or equivalent.
  • Data management skills and interest in novel data analysis approaches (such as machine learning) is desirable.
  • An analytical mindset with attention to detail and a drive for rigour.
  • Experience and willingness to supervise Master and PhD students.
  • Excellent skills in English (oral and writing).
  • Experience in international collaboration is an advantage.
  • Team player with excellent communication and collaborative skills.
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Application Process

Complete applications must include:

  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Motivation letter;
  • A complete and numbered list of publications;
  • Inclussion of up to three scientific, peer-reviewed publications in the assessment of his or her scientific qualifications.

To apply, click here.

Deadline: January 23, 2022.

For more information on the Postdoc position in COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research, visit the official site.

One thought on “Postdoc position in COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research”

  1. Very happy to see this post. I am PhD degree holder in IT, and keenly interested to use methods on COVID-19 pandemic data. I have three publications on COVID-19 topics. The fourth one is submitted to the international journal of stroke.

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