Postdoc position: Genetic Epidemiologist, UMCG Netherlands (Full Time)

The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) invites applications to its ongoing Full-time Postdoc position in Genetic Epidemiologist in the Netherlands.

Cardiovascular disease accounts for 31% of all global deaths. Over the past decades, effective treatment to reduce plasma cholesterol (driving this disease) has been developed but at the same time the worldwide pandemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes has increased the complexity of treating patients at increased risk of cardiovascular disease who also suffer from e.g. insulin resistance, increased risk of fatty liver disease, and cancer.

UMCG has developed and validated an innovative pipeline to identify and characterize new players in processes underlying cardiometabolic diseases. In the first step, they make use of human hepatic transcriptome data to identify large series of novel candidate genes. Following prioritization, these genes will be targeted (inactivated) in mouse livers using somatic (CRISPR/Cas9-based) gene editing, which allows us to study their impact on disease development. Promising candidate genes will be studied further to increase the fundamental (mechanistic) understanding of lipoprotein biology, autophagy, and lipophagy. This project is driven by the need to increase the molecular understanding of the human disease.

Start Date: Between January and March 1st, 2021
Duration: 1 year
  • The gross salary of € 4.615 per month
  • Holiday and a year-end bonus.
Job Requirements
  • UMCG needs a post-doctoral fellow who will use publicly available genome or phenome-wide association data as well as data collected in Lifelines (prospective population study with a three-generation design) to help to prioritize candidate genes.
  • They seek an enthusiastic junior or senior post-doctoral geneticist (epidemiologist) with strong bioinformatic interest and expertise.
  • Experience with programming in R, plink, and NGS-dedicated bioinformatics tools will be required.
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Application Process

For detailed information on how to apply, click here

Application Deadline: December 22, 2020

For more information visit the official site.

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