Postdoc Position: Enriching 3D City Models Using UAV Imagery

The Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) is offering Postdoc Researcher position on Enriching 3D City Models With Energy-Related Information Using UAV Imagery

The objective is to enrich existing 3D city models with energy-related roof and façade details, such as type of material (windows, green façade, bricks) and amount of sunlight. The main challenges are to decide what is the best scale to robustly detect this information, and how to fuse it with existing 3D city models. Data can be generated from high-resolution airborne or street-view imagery. Airborne images can be acquired from RGB and thermal cameras mounted on UAV’s.


The specific tasks in this project ‘Enriching 3D City Models Using UAV Imagery’ are:

  • Developing a method to align UAV images with existing #d city models,
  • Extracting energy related roof and façade details from UAV imagery and
  • Enriching the 3D city models with energy related information.


  • Gross monthly salary between € 3,413.00 and € 4,670.00 depending on experience and qualifications (job profile Researcher 4)
  • A holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.3%
  • A total of 41 holiday days in case of full-time employment
  • Professional and personal development programmes
  • Costs for moving to Enschede may be reimbursed

Job Requirements

  • A PhD degree, obtained no more than 5 years ago, related to geo-informatics, computer vision or robotics, with excellent expertise in the acquisition and processing of geo-information and programming
  • Excellent study results and experience with the use and further development of 3D geo-information
  • To be at ease in communicating and discussing with external partners (in English).
  • In joint meetings, research results must be presented to them and the next steps discussed
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Application Process

All applications Postdoc Position: Enriching 3D City Models Using UAV Imagery must include:

  • A cover letter (maximum 1 page A4), emphasizing the specific interest, qualifications and motivations to apply for this position;
  • A full Curriculum Vitae, including a list of all courses attended and grades obtained;
  • Names and email addresses of three references.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: November 24, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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