Postdoc in Computational Social Choice

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Social Choice to work with them in the COMSOC Group at the ILLC in Amsterdam.

The research agenda of the group is dedicated to the design and analysis of methods for collective decision-making. The research they do is both mathematical and conceptual in nature. They regularly publish in the leading conference proceedings and journals in AI, but also emphasize interdisciplinarity and often reach out to other fields, notably Economics, Political Science, and Philosophy.


The specific tasks will include to:

  • regularly present research results at international workshops and conferences, and publish them in conference proceedings and journals;
  • collaborate with other members of the COMSOC Group;
  • contribute to the supervision of PhD candidates in the group;
  • participate in and contribute to the organization of research activities and events at the Institute, such as workshops and colloquia;
  • contribute to the dissemination of research results to non-specialist audiences and the organization of outreach events.


  • The salary, depending on relevant prior experience, will be between €2,846 and €4,490 gross per month 
  • The annual salary will be supplemented with an 8% holiday allowance and an 8.3% end-of-year bonus.

Job Requirements

  • A PhD in a relevant area of research, such as Computational Social Choice, Algorithmic Game Theory, Multiagent Systems, or Knowledge Representation.
  • They also should have experience in publishing their research at relevant international venues.
  • Strong candidates with a somewhat different research profile who indicate a clear interest in moving into the field of Computational Social Choice will also be considered.
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They also should possess:

  • excellent writing and presentation skills;
  • good social and organizational skills;
  • willingness to reach out to audiences beyond academia;
  • full professional proficiency in spoken and written English.
  • Nevertheless, UaV specifically encourages women to apply for this position.

Application Process

All applications should include:

  • a cover letter, including a description of their research interests and accomplishments, as well as an explanation for why they are applying for this position (at most two pages);
  • CV, including their list of publications and the URL of their professional homepage;
  • links to two selected publications (they have made) available online, with a short motivation for the selection made (mature drafts of papers or papers currently under submission are also acceptable);
  • a link to their PhD thesis available online (if available already) or an indication of the current status of their PhD thesis;
  • the names, affiliations, and email addresses of three people they can contact for letters of reference.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: May 25, 2022.

For more information, visit the official site.

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