Post-doc Research on Interpersonal Problems in Anxiety and Depression

The University of Groningen is inviting applications for Post-doctoral research on interpersonal problems in anxiety and depression.

The Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences excels in teaching and research in the fields of human behavior, thinking, learning, and how people live together. They work on societal issues and problems that people experience in daily life. Central to this is individual and societal resilience and how to increase this.

The research aims to gain insight into how scores on these measures relate to the development, severity, and duration of anxiety and depression. They will analyze the data. This requires circular (directional) statistics. They will write down the results of the four planned sub-studies as scientific publications.

Duration: 2.5 years 

Starting Date: September 01, 2024


In accordance with the collective labor agreement for Dutch Universities, they offer:

  • depending on qualifications and work experience, a salary of € 3,226 to a maximum of € 5,090 gross per month for a full-time position
  • a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income an 8.3% end-of-the-year allowance
  • attractive secondary terms of employment

Job Requirements

The Post-doc Research on Interpersonal Problems in Anxiety and Depression seeks applicants with:

  • a PhD degree in Clinical Psychology or in Statistics within the Social Sciences (or a related discipline)
  • a relevant publication record demonstrating your ability to publish international academic publications
  • a clear interest in research that lies on the border of clinical psychology and applied statistics
  • excellent verbal and writing skills in English (a good command of the Dutch language is preferred but not required)
  • ability to work independently and manage joint research activities
  • a team player with strong communication skills
  • demonstrable competences as conceptual capacity, environment orientation, presenting, and result orientation
  • experience with circular (directional) and Bayesian statistics and data analysis in R or the willingness to specialize in this.
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Application Process

Applications should include the following materials:

  • Application letter, 
  • Curriculum Vitae

Deadline: May 30, 2024

To apply for the Post-doc Research on Interpersonal Problems in Anxiety and Depressionclick here.

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