Applications are welcome for Post-Doc positions in Public Conversations About Science in Times of Crisis at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Wicked problems need wicked communication. Science is increasingly expected to demonstrate relevance and deliver social impact. The school has also seen how persisting controversies around complex and uncertain issues such as the pandemic, nitrogen pollution, or the climate crisis have made the relationship between science and society become strained.
Science is contested in a public arena where trust and expertise are not taken for granted. Science communication may be more important than ever, but has also become more challenging, in light of trends like digitalization, fragmentation, and polarization of society. In the face of these developments, scientists, journalists, and science communicators need to rethink their roles and responsibilities in the public domain. They believe that science communication can play an important role in co-shaping new roles and conditions for a fruitful democratic dialogue between science and society.
As a post-doc researcher in their team, the candidate will empirically study and help shape science-society relations and interactions in times of crisis.
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam offers excellent fringe benefits and various schemes and regulations to promote a good work/life balance, such as:
- a maximum of 41 days of annual leave based on full-time employment,
- 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus,
- solid pension scheme (ABP),
- possibility to save holiday hours, for sabbatical leave,
- child daycare facilities are available on campus
Job Requirements
The Post-Doc Public Conversations About Science in Times of Crisis welcomes applicants who;
- have a PhD degree, preferably in the field of science and technology studies, public engagement, responsible research, and innovation, research/ technology ethics, or another discipline (s) that shows an integrated social sciences and natural sciences background;
- have expertise in both qualitative and participatory research methods and you are open to transdisciplinary research work;
- hold a network of relevant international contacts;
- have an affinity with art and design as creative methods of inquiry, reflection, and dialogue
- have published in refereed international journals or books;
- are a team player;
- write and speak Dutch and English fluently;
- have excellent teaching skills and are an engaged and inspiring lecturer, as proven by student evaluations;
- are well capable to supervise a theoretical thesis, research projects, and student internships.
Application Process
The application should contain:
- cover letter outlining motivation, and
- curriculum vitae.
To apply for the Post-Doc Public Conversations About Science in Times of Crisis, click here.
Application Deadline: May 19, 2022.
For more information, visit the official site