The University of Twente is seeking a highly motivated and ambitious Post-Doc researcher to help advance their cumulative knowledge on trust and vulnerability in technology-immersed work contexts, such as hybrid work, leader-AI/robot-employee triads, or doctor-patient relationships, amongst others.
With this post-doctoral research project, they strive to deepen their understanding of trust and vulnerability as crucial aspects of humankind, and, thus, also interpersonal relationships at work. Scholars across domains have unanimously recognized that vulnerability lies at the heart of trust, grounded in positive expectations.
Nevertheless, despite its pivotal role, the precise nuances of vulnerability within the context of trust remain under-explored. This shortage of knowledge becomes even more worrisome as growing levels of technological sophistication in the workplace highlight human vulnerability and “reshuffle” the foundation on which trust was believed to be built.
- Starting salary will be between € 3877 and € 5090,- gross per month depending on experience;
- Holiday allowance of 8% of the gross annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.3%;
- Solid pension scheme;
- Access to professional and personal development programs.
Job Requirements
For the Post-doc Position on Trust and Vulnerability, the ideal candidate must be meet the following criteria:
- Hold a PhD in management, organization studies, business administration, (organizational) psychology, political science, sociology, or a related field;
- Have experience with or a strong affinity to trust research or other fabrics of interpersonal relationships at work and demonstrate sound critical thinking skills and qualitative data analysis competencies;
- Be able to conduct research projects independently and willing to make an impact through publishing in peer-reviewed journals and co-creating knowledge with societal partners;
- A committed team spirit and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented environment;
- A strong passion and outstanding skills in critical thinking, empathy, and qualitative methods of scientific inquiry;
- Good communication skills and an excellent command of English.
Application Process
Applications should include the following materials:
- A cover letter emphasizing their qualification and motivation for applying to this position;
- A short research proposal outlining their ideas on what questions/empirical phenomena they would like to address during the Post-doc project;
- A piece of text (such as an excerpt of their doctoral thesis) that they are proud of and that serves as a token of their writing skills.
To apply for Post-Doc Position on Trust and Vulnerability in Technology Contexts, click here.
Deadline: July 30, 2024.
For more information on the Post-Doc Position on Trust and Vulnerability in Technology Contexts, visit the official site.