Post-doc on DNA Nanotechnology for Vaccine Design

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is seeking a bright post-doctoral researcher to employ DNA nanotechnology to understand the biophysical principles behind antigen recognition by immune cells.

Work in this area builds on expertise in the group on the positioning of proteins on DNA origami. Work in this area is expected to result in rational design rules for the development of nano-vaccines. The successful candidate should be excited about applying nanotechnology solutions to uncover basic biophysical design principles that involve protein-protein recognition events. Post-doctoral research will be part of wider and exciting efforts currently spearheaded within the Synthetic Biology group led by prof. Tom de Greef.

Start Date: February 1, 2022.

Duration: A full-time employment for 2 years.


  • A gross monthly salary and benefits (such as
  • a pension scheme,
  • pregnancy and maternity leave,
  • partially paid parental leave) in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • Additionally, an annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.

Job Requirements

Seeks candidates that meet the following requirements:

  • PhD in chemical biology, DNA nanotechnology, molecular biology or a comparable domain.
  • Prior experience with recombinant protein expression and DNA nanotechnology.
  • Prior experience with computer-based quantification/analysis tools (Matlab or similar).
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, demonstrated for instance by a relevant PhD thesis and/or publication(s).
  • Excellent mastering of the English language, good communication and leadership skills. Note that there is no Dutch language requirement.
  • A research-oriented attitude with an analytical mindset.
  • Be a team player and able to work in a dynamic, interdisciplinary context.
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Application Process

The application should include a:

  • Cover letter describing applicants motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including list of publications and the contact information of three references.
  • Academic transcripts
  • Copy of their PhD thesis if possible

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: December 31, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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