Post-Doc in Electricity Markets and Engineering Education Innovation

The Departments of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) invites applications for the above postdoc position in Electricity Markets and Engineering Education Innovation.

The successful candidates will be actively involved in the design and implementation of the engineering education research project “Electricity Markets Game: a competitive serious game for teaching electricity markets (EMGa2)” which is funded by TU/e Education Innovation Funds 2020 (BOOST!-program). EMGa2 is a follow-up to the project “Development of a competitive serious game for teaching electricity markets (EMGa1)”. The main objective of EMGa1 was to develop a web-based multiplayer serious game in order to enhance the teaching of electricity markets topics in various courses offered by the Electrical Energy Systems group. In the current setting, students adopt the role of an energy firm and as well to manage a portfolio of conventional and renewable generation, as well as storage resources in order to maximize their profits by participating in electricity market structures (i.e., by developing forecasting and optimization models).

In parallel with working on this project, candidates will conduct academic research in the field of electricity markets. Research topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Development of market participation strategies and risk management
  • Market clearing mechanisms under uncertainty
  • P2P and local electricity markets
  • Applications of machine learning to electricity markets (e.g., forecasting)
  • Optimization techniques (distributed optimization, decomposition techniques, multi-objective optimization, reinforcement learning, etc.).


  • A gross monthly salary and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  • a fixed December bonus of 8.3%;
  • excellent pension scheme.

Job Requirements

The position seeks a motivated candidate with:

  • PhD in electrical engineering, industrial engineering, applied mathematics, computer science, or a comparable domain, with a focus on electricity markets and/or power system optimization.
  • Ability to conduct high quality academic research, demonstrated for instance by relevant publication(s).
  • Experience with Python programming is a must. Further experience in software and/or web development is an advantage.
  • Genuine interest in conducting research in an educational setting. Relevant experience is an advantage.
  • Excellent mastering of the English language, good communication and leadership skills. Note that there is no Dutch language requirement.
  • Be a team player and able to work in a dynamic, interdisciplinary context.
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Application Process

Application for the Post-Doc must include the following

  • A cover letter describing applicants motivation and qualifications for the position.
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of their publications and the contact information of three references.
  • List of five self-selected ‘best publications’.

To apply, click here.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2021.

For more information, visit the official site.

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