Post-doc – Environmental Humanities of Extraction in Africa

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position within the AFREXTRACT project Environmental Histories of Resource Extraction in Africa: Understanding Cultural and Political Responses to Environmental Transformation, financed by the European Research Council (ERC)

Through a comparative study of three African localities of resource extraction (oil drilling in Nigeria; copper mining in Zambia; gold mining in South Africa), focusing on the period 1950-2020, this project aims to analyse and explain the diversity of cultural responses to environmental transformation. The postdoctoral researcher will focus on literary and musical production (novels, poems, songs) to gain insights into popular understandings of environmental change caused by mining and oil extraction. This postdoctoral project will involve research stays in all three countries.

This postdoctoral project offers a unique opportunity to work in an international research environment as well as to acquire valuable teaching experience (should the candidate be interested). In addition, the postdoctoral researcher will also collaborate with the other team members to organize conferences and workshops and plan outreach activities.

Duration: 2.5 years

Starting Date: The prospective starting date is 1 January or 1 February 2024.


The position offer:

  • a salary, depending on qualifications and work experience, between € 2,970 and € 3,974 (salary scale 10.7) gross per month, based on a full-time position
  • a holiday allowance of 8% gross annual income
  • an 8.3% end-of-the-year allowance.

Job Requirements

The post-doc position Environmental Humanities of Extraction in Africa

  • a PhD (or proof of imminent completion) in a relevant field, such as cultural and literary studies, ethnomusicology, African history, or environmental history (degrees in related fields such as African studies or anthropology will also be considered)
  • excellent command of English
  • experience in conducting research in Africa (preferably in Nigeria, Zambia, or South Africa) and willingness to conduct c. 6 months of research in the three study localities
  • familiarity with and strong interest in debates on environmental history, resource extraction, African history, and cultural production
  • a strong motivation to publish your research (the candidate will be expected to publish two articles in peer-reviewed journals)
  • ability to work both independently and as a team player.
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Desirable qualifications:

  • a research network in the Niger Delta, the Zambian Copperbelt, and/or Johannesburg
  • knowledge of local languages, e.g. Ijaw, Bemba, or Zulu.

Application Process

Applications should be in English and contain the following materials:

  • short statement (c. 1,000 words), explaining their motivation for applying
  • curriculum vitae
  • copy of PhD certificate and list of grades
  • writing sample (e.g. a chapter of their PhD thesis, a draft article, or a publication)
  • contact details of two academic referees.

To apply for the Post-doc – Environmental Humanities of Extraction in Africaclick here.

Deadline: August 13, 2023.

For more information on Post-doc – Environmental Humanities of Extraction in Africa, visit the official site.

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